Fort Scratchley provides a unique and accessible educational experience right in the heart of Newcastle.
Australia’s involvement with World War II is part of the primary school curriculum. A visit to Fort Scratchley can provide students with first-hand knowledge of how WWII impacted upon Newcastle.
Group tours are led by passionate Fort Scratchley Historical Society volunteers.
School visits
Fort Scratchley welcomes school groups.
Tunnel Tours must be booked and pre-paid online as capacity is limited. Tours are offered at regular intervals each day the Fort is open: 10.30am, 11.30am, 1.10pm 1:40pm, 2.30pm, closed Tuesdays.
The maximum number of people per Tunnel Tour is 24, this includes teachers / accompanying adults and all students. At this time there is no staggering of extra tours for large groups, the above times are the only available tours per day.
Each Tunnel tour runs around 60 minutes. Allow 90 minutes on site.
Tunnel Tour pricing and online booking.
Please contact fortscratchleytours@ncc.nsw.gov.au for enquiries, this also includes if you wish to visit the site and self-guide but not go on the Tunnel Tours (only available with Guides and prebooked).
Please note that students must be accompanied by adults at all times.
More information
There are publications and a video available from your local City of Newcastle Library, University of Newcastle Library or for purchase from The Fort Scratchley Artillery Store.