Glebe Road, Adamstown - safety improvements


Construction work on Glebe Road and Court Street, Adamstown has started to prepare for the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Glebe Road and Park Avenue. 

These upgrades will help to reduce vehicle crashes and improve accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists by providing an improved connection to local schools, Adamstown Train Station, bus stops, local businesses, and enhance the link between the city and Fernleigh Track. 

The below preliminary works have been completed:

  • kerb and footpath upgrades on the southern side of Glebe Road between Park Avenue and Wood Street
  • renewed drainage in the area
  • new cul-de-sac arrangement in Court Street
  • road resurfacing
  • utilities investigation work was also completed in 2023.

Next steps

We are working with Sydney Trains to integrate the traffic lights with a proposed signal upgrade at Adamstown railway level crossing.

Before the lights are switched on, we will construct a median on Glebe Road to prevent right hand turns into and out of Wood Street. 

Upgrades to improve safety for everyone

When the traffic lights are operational, the new cul-de-sac in Court Street will allow eastbound traffic to turn left into Court Street, travel around the cul-de-sac and proceed through the intersection on the next green signal. This will assist eastbound traffic on Glebe Road to access the Adamstown area.

This change to traffic flow will replace the right turn at Wood Street, which will be removed to improve safety (to read more about this go to our FAQs below).

More information will be provided to the community as planning progresses.

This project is joint funded with the Australian Government Black Spot Program.

Traffic flow for vehicles going Park Avenue, Adamstown from St James Road, New LambtonNew direction of traffic for access to Park Avenue from St James Road

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do we need traffic lights at the intersection of Glebe Road and Park Avenue?
Why not build a bridge over the rail line?
Why are you removing the right turn into and out of Wood Street?
Why has it taken so long for work to start?
Who is funding the installation of traffic control signals and related works?
What are the benefits of the project?
When will the traffic lights be installed?
Have any other options been considered to address the accident history at the intersections?
Will vehicles end up queuing on the rail line?
What if drivers miss the Court Street turn?
How will the gates and traffic lights operate?
Will pedestrians be able to walk across the pedestrian path at the level crossing?
What about access for vehicles at the Park Avenue and Bailey Street roundabout?