Playgrounds and Parks
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Adamstown Park
Glebe Road , Adamstown 2289
Bicycle path, Playground, Seating, Shelter, Tables
This newly built playground features a triple swing set, inclusive neo saucer, multiplay tower with two slides, climbing ropes and chain bridge. This open space also has a large shelter with picnic tables and seating. See also Sportsgrounds and Facilities
Alder Park
128 Bridges Road , New Lambton 2305
Cricket Field (Synthetic Wicket), Football (Soccer) Field
Clubhouse, Dressing Sheds, Grandstand, Parking, Playground, Seating, Storage Room
The playground at Alder Park features a swingset, a fort with slide and rope climbing wall, and a spring rider. Bench seating available. See also Sportsgrounds and Facilities
Avon Street Reserve
3 Avon Street , Mayfield 2304
Parking, Playground, Seating
Upgraded in 2023 this large playground features 4 bay swing set, balancing and climbing equipment, a carousel, monkey bars and musical activities. A large fort includes a wiggly bridge, super slide and tunnel slide. Park has a bench seat and lots of shaded grassed area.
Awabakal Park
67 Awabakal Dr , Fletcher 2287
Bicycle path, Parking, Playground, Seating, Shelter, Tables
This playgound has two large spaces including a crocodile climbing structure, round swing, carosel, see saw, balance stepers and climbing wall. The park also offers seating and a table and shelter area.
Ballast Ground
Lot 74 Hunter Street , Stockton 2295
Parking, Playground, Seating, Tables
Located near Lot 74 Hunter Street, this park features a small playground with a slide, climbers and swingset, large open grassed areas and picnic tables and bench seating scattered througout. See also Sportsgrounds and Facilities
Banksia Close Reserve
Banksia Close , Adamstown Heights 2289
Playground, Seating, Tables
Banksia Close Reserve is located within walking distance to Fernleigh Track. This small park area has two swings shaded by trees and a picnic table.
Beauford Avenue Reserve
32 Beauford Avenue , Maryland 2287
Basketball Court
Parking, Playground, Seating
This playground offers equipment such as a fort with slide and a swingset.
Bernborough Avenue Park
15 Bernborough Avenue , Maryland 2287
Parking, Playground, Seating
Located on Bernborough Avenue this playground features toy equipment including a fort with a dual slides, climbing wall and chain bridge, swing set including basket swing, bouldering climbing structure, single person spinner and see saw. Open grassed area and bench seating available.
Birchgrove Drive Reserve
140 Birchgrove Drive , Wallsend 2287
Seating, Shelter, Tables
Large open grass area, with shelter and seating.
Birdwood Park
King Street , Newcastle West 2302
Parking, Seating, Tables
Located on King Street, this park offers a large grassed area surrounded by trees with picnic tables and bench seating scattered throughout.
Blackbutt Reserve
Lookout Road, Carnley Avenue and Freyburg Street , New Lambton 2305
Accessibility Toilet, BBQ, Parking, Playground, Seating, Tables, Toilets
See Blackbutt Reserve for more information
Braye Park
68 Clarence Road , Waratah 2298
Bubbler, Playground, Seating, Tables
Playground and large open grass area with sheltered picnic tables.
Breen Park
79 Dunbar Street , Stockton 2295
Playground, Seating, Tables
This playground is best for younger kids and features equipment including a toddler slide, swingset and a horizontal balancing net. There is also bench seating and a picnic table available and pathway nearby.
Bull and Tourle Street Reserve
Shelley Close , Mayfield 2304
Located on Shelley Close this small playground features equipment including a fort with slide and a set of swings. There are also park benches nearby.
Cameron Park
148 Christo Road , Waratah 2298
Playground, Public Toilets
Playground and open grass area.
Campbell Park Merewether
Caldwell Street , Merewether 2291
Enquiries on availability and bookings are managed by Newcastle Tennis Club Inc
Information and Bookings
Carrington Foreshore
Cnr McCann Court and Hargrave Street , Carrington 2294
Dogs off-leash, Playground, Seating
Located at the Honeysuckle Reserve, this basic playground is best accessed from McCann Court and Hargrave Street and features a fort, slide, climbers, stand on spinner and a few other toys. It is close to the Carrington Mangrove Boardwalk and Cycleway. Seating available.
Carrington Street Reserve
6 Carrington Street , Wallsend 2287
Playground, Seating, Tables
Large open grass area and playground featuring multiplay unit with double slide, suspension bridge, balance beam, see saw, wind rider and 3 bay swing set.
Casuarina Circuit Reserve
42 Casuarina Circuit , Warabrook 2304
Playground and large open grass area.
Cathedral Park
99 King Street , Newcastle 2300
Parking, Seating
This inner city park is located on King Street, connected to the Christ Church Cathedral which has been at this site for almost 200 years. This is also the location of a small burial ground. Close to the CBD, Cathedral Park offers plenty of shade providing trees, a grassy picnic area and seating.