Development Application Process
All development applications and the majority of post consent certificates must be submitted through the NSW Planning Portal. Find out more on our Lodging an Application information page.
Accelerated Development Applications (ADA) are an initiative of City of Newcastle (CN) to facilitate efficient processing of well-prepared, low-risk development types. Applications may be lodged via two different pathways by accessing registered Authorised Consultant, or lodging an application yourself via the Accelerated Lodgment Ready Pathway. Visit the Accelerated Development Applications information page to find out more and to see if your proposed development is eligible.
The development process can be complex, therefore it is recommended that you utilise the services of professionals to assist you with the preparation of your plans and or application.
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment have developed 'Your guide to the Development Application Process' to assist in making the process faster and easier.
Visit the Pre-Development Application Services information page to access a variety of tools and services available to assist you with preparing your development application (DA).
To learn more about each stage of the DA process, please use the below links: