Recovering from an Emergency

It can be hard to know what to do or where to turn after a disaster or emergency has occurred.
When an emergency happens, relevant State and Federal Government authorities and other service agencies coordinate recovery operations to help people and communities get back on their feet.
Returning home after an emergency
- Before returning home after an emergency, make sure you wait for the 'all clear' from emergency services agencies.
- Continue to listen to your radio and check relevant agency websites for up-to-date information about the emergency and any new potential risks.
- Refuel your car and stock up on basic items before returning home, including:
- Non-perishable foods (canned or in jars)
- Bottled water
- Medications
- Torch
- Batteries
- Withdraw some cash in case ATMs are not working or banks are closed in your area
- Be prepared for changed traffic conditions - there may be road closures or detours in place
- Avoid wading or driving through flooded roads or waterways, and watch out for broken glass, tin, nails and other sharp objects
- If you are able to, check on your neighbours to make sure they are okay and see if they need any help.
Lost Pets after an emergency
If you return home after an emergency and cannot find your cat or dog, you can report your lost pet to us.
Make sure you also change your pet's status to 'missing' on the NSW Pet Registry and check your contact details are up-to-date so you can be reached when your pet is found.
To report an animal that appears sick, injured or affected by a disaster, contact the RSPCA.
Recovery resources and support
If you have been impacted by a natural disaster, you may be eligible for Disaster relief assistance and support from the NSW Government.