Ward 3 Councillors

Email correspondence to Councillors at the email addresses provided below:

Councillor Peta Winney-Baartz (ALP)


0427 922 149

Peta Winney-Baartz was first elected to Council in 2017.

Peta is a proud Novocastrian, raising her four children locally.

She is an Educator with over 25 years’ experience in the Family/Youth sector. Peta sits on the Board of Hunter Homeless Connect and is passionate about helping people.

She works closely with many local organisations and advocates for all.

Peta is particularly driven to engage young people and make sure they are heard.

Membership on City of Newcastle Committees:

- Chair, Infrastructure Advisory Committee

- Chair, Sports Infrastructure Working Party

- Member, Guraki Aboriginal Advisory Committee

- Member, Public Art Advisory Committee

Membership on External Committees:

- Member, Fort Scratchley Historical Society Incorporated

- Member, Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel

- Member, Hunter Sports Centre Incorporate

- Alternate Member, Newcastle City Traffic Committee

Councillor Margaret Wood



0407 015 804

Margaret Wood was first elected to Council in December 2021. Margaret moved with her partner and children to Newcastle in 1995 and has lived in Ward 3 for 28 years. Margaret worked in various roles for the Legal Aid Commission and the state government before ceasing full time work in 2016. Margaret continues to do voluntary work, using her past experience as a carer to provide input into carer related projects. Margaret is passionate about making our city an inclusive and accessible place for everyone and has advocated strongly during the current term of Council on issues such as accessible housing. Margaret was a community member of the Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee for 4 years from 2018 until 2021.

Membership on City of Newcastle Committees:

- Deputy Chair, Community and Culture Advisory Committee

- Co-Chair, Access Inclusion Advisory Committee

Membership on External Committees:

- Alternate Member, Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel

Councillor Katrina Wark


0407 138 081

Membership on City of Newcastle Committees:

- Member, Infrastructure Advisory committee

- Member, Access Inclusion Advisory Committee