Playground FAQs
Newcastle boasts over 135 playgrounds across the local government area, providing engaging play and recreational spaces for local families. Search to find your local playground.
When is my playground going to be upgraded?
Each year up to five playgrounds are included in Council's annual asset renewal works program. The playgrounds are identified from a biannual playground safety audit undertaken by Council on all of its playground sites across the city. From this safety audit every playground is given a condition rating which determines its priority within our renewal program. All playgrounds are routinely inspected by Council for general maintenance requirements.
If there is damage to any play equipment, please contact Council on 4974 2000 to report its location and specifics of the damage so that it can be inspected by Council Officers and either repaired or replaced.
Why doesn’t Council fence playgrounds?
Historically, we have not fenced playgrounds. Reasons for this can include costs associated with installation and maintenance; segregation from surrounding open space infrastructure such as courts, kick around areas and picnic settings; and aesthetic views.
Why isn’t rubber softfall at every playground?
All of our playground sites have softfall installed to meet Australian standards, including pinebark mulch, sand and rubber, with some playground sites having a combination of all three materials. Rubber softfall material alone is extremely cost prohibitive and is prone to vandalism.
Why aren't shade sails installed at all playgrounds?
Shade sails are often vandalised and are also susceptible to storm damage. Where possible, we will provide for natural shade by planting specific species of trees and shrubs.
Why are metal slides installed in playgrounds?
Plastics in public spaces are prone to fire and vandalism damage. Metal slides are installed for their durability and design.
Why aren't there toilets at every playground?
The provision of public toilets is determined through needs analysis, the propensity for vandalism and the availability of required utilities. Generally public toilets are provided at higher use parks that contain multiple recreational opportunities. Council has over 100 playgrounds throughout the LGA. Unfortunately, funds are not available to install, maintain and service public toilets for every playground location.