Accelerated Development Applications

Accelerated Development Applications (ADA) are an initiative of City of Newcastle (CN) to facilitate efficient processing of well-prepared, low-risk development types.

There are two pathways to submit an ADA:

1. Authorised Consultant (AC) pathway

What is the Authorised Consultant pathway?
Who can lodge Authorised Consultant applications?
How does my company become an Authorised Consultant?
What is the criteria to become an Authorised Consultant?

2. Accelerated Lodgement Ready (ALR) pathway

What is the Accelerated Lodgement Ready pathway?
How to submit an application for review?
What happens following a review?


Eligible Development Types

The development types listed below may be considered via an AC or ALR request.

Please use our Accelerated Development Application Eligibility Checker to determine if your development type can be considered as an ADA. 

Please Note: The Dual Occupancy development type is not currently available within the online ADA Eligibility Checker. Please utilise the Dual Occupancy checklist document when submitting an ALR request for this type of development.

Accelerated Development Application Eligibility Checker

Further detail on development criteria and lodgement requirements can be found by selecting the relevant development type below: