- Policies
Art Gallery Acquisitions and Deaccessioning Policy The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework for the acquisition and deaccession of Works of Art in the Newcastle Art Gallery collection, the city of Newcastle's largest publicly-owned cultural asset. |
10/12/2024 |
Asset Management Policy The purpose of the Asset Management Policy (Policy) is to outline how City of Newcastle (CN) will manage its assets throughout the asset lifecycle. |
28/6/2022 |
Biodiversity in Local Environmental Plan (LEP) Making Policy The purpose of this Policy is to: a) Ensure biodiversity issues are appropriately considered and resolved early in the land use planning process when making or amending a Local Environmental Plan (LEP) in the Newcastle Local Government Area (LGA). b) Provide guidance to assist in preparing and assessing requests to amend an LEP in the Newcastle LGA via a planning proposal (PP), in particular to land within a conservation zone or land otherwise identified for environment conservation/ protection purposes. c) Assist with the interpretation of avoidance as applied by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 for the Newcastle LGA. |
11/2/2025 |
Business Continuity Management Policy This Policy outlines the City of Newcastle’s (CN) Business Continuity Management (BCM) Framework (the Framework) and measures that assist to: 1.1.1 minimise the impact of incidents, disruption and emergencies; 1.1.2 safeguard CN’s critical services and functions; and 1.1.3 support the effective return to normal operations and enhance capability and organisational resilience. |
30/9/2021 |
Code of Conduct for Council Committee Members, Delegates of Council and Council Advisors Our Code of Conduct sets the minimum requirements of conduct for Council Committee Members, Delegates of Council and Council Advisors in carrying out their functions (as prescribed by the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021). |
22/2/2022 |
Code of Conduct for Councillors Our Code of Conduct sets the minimum requirements of conduct for Councillors in carrying out their functions (as prescribed by the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021). |
22/2/2022 |
Code of Conduct for Staff Our Code of Conduct sets the minimum requirements of conduct for staff in carrying out their functions (as prescribed by the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021). |
22/2/2022 |
Code of Meeting Practice This Code of Meeting Practice is made under section 360 of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (the Regulation) and incorporates the mandatory provisions of the prescribed Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW (the Model Meeting Code). |
5/7/2022 |
Community Grants Policy This Policy provides a framework for the establishment and management of City of Newcastle’s (CN) Community Grants Program (CGP) in accordance with section 356 and section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW). |
13/12/2022 |
Community Infrastructure Incentives Policy The purpose of this Policy is to enhance the delivery of community infrastructure to support urban renewal in the City of Newcastle (CN) through the provision of development incentives. |
26/7/2022 |
Compliance and Enforcement Policy The purpose of this Policy is to provide information to all internal and external stakeholders and interested parties about the City of Newcastle’s (“CN”) position on compliance and enforcement matters within the local government area. |
28/2/2023 |
Contaminated Land Policy The purpose of this Policy is to: a) Provide a Policy Statement to be followed by City of Newcastle (CN) when exercising relevant planning functions in relation to land contamination. This Policy is supplemented by CN's Contaminated Land Management Technical Manual; b) Provide local context for decision making that is generally consistent with the Contaminated Land Planning Guidelines notified under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979; and c) Assist CN to exercise its functions relating to the development of contaminated land with a reasonable standard of care and diligence. |
30/10/2024 |
Council Property Lease and Licence Policy This Policy outlines CN's management of Leases and Licences and provides CN with a framework to support the financially sustainable, equitable, fair and transparent management of Council Property, and establishes the terms for entering into Leases and Licences. |
12/12/2023 |
Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy The provision of expenses and facilities enables Councillors to fulfil their civic duties as the elected representatives of City of Newcastle (CN). Expenses and facilities provided by this Policy are in addition to fees paid to Councillors, as set by Council and determined by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal as per Section 241 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Act) and reviewed annually. |
5/7/2022 |
Customer Complaints Handling Policy The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that City of Newcastle (CN) handles Customer Complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively by responding in a timely, consistent and cost-effective way to issues raised by members of the public making a Customer Complaint; boosting public confidence and perception of the quality of the services provided by CN; and using complaint information to generate insights and inform quality improvements in services, information, and Customer Complaint handling. |
13/12/2021 |
Data Breach Policy The purpose of this Policy is to set out how CN will manage and report Eligible Data Breaches. |
4/12/2023 |
Delegations and Authorisations Policy The purpose of the Policy and the Register of Delegations and Authorisations is to establish a framework for delegating authority within City of Newcastle (CN) in a manner that facilitates efficiency and effectiveness and provides for a system of accountability. |
7/8/2023 |
Donations Program Policy Council acknowledges the contributions made by charitable organisations in the Local Government Area (LGA) and where possible commits limited funds to help these organisations achieve their objectives. |
22/11/2022 |
Effective communication between Councillors and staff Policy This policy provides a framework for CN Officers to assist and support Councillors, as elected members of the community, in exercising their civic duties honestly and with care and diligence in accordance with the Act. The policy provides guidance on appropriate, effective and timely processes for Councillors to obtain information and ensures an appropriate level of interaction between Councillors and CN Officers. |
23/8/2022 |
Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy The purpose of CN's Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy is to: a) Outline CN's approach to controlling Fraud and Corruption risk; b) Provide guidance on Fraud and Corruption management activities at CN; and c) Set a framework to prevent, detect, and respond to Fraud and Corruption. |
22/6/2022 |