Sportsground Bookings
Preparing for 2025 Winter Sports Season
The 2025 Winter Season for our sportsgrounds will commence on 1 April 2025 and conclude on 30 September 2025.
CN's 2025 Winter Season Sportsground Information Booklet (PDF) is used as a reference point for our sporting community, it should be the first source of information and is made available to all your club executive.
Casual Sportsground Applications (including Schools)
Please complete if you wish to book a sportsground for casual use or schools booking sportsgrounds during school hours. For all seasonal booking requests please refer to Seasonal Application Form above.
Please complete a Casual & Schools Sports Application Form (PDF)
Sportsground Closures
We reserve the right to prohibit the use of any sportsground in the event of heavy rain, in times of drought, or where damage is likely to be caused. Wet weather refers to a rainfall event which may affect the characteristics of a sportsground and subsequent use of the sportsground is likely to cause damage to the playing surface and/or player injury.
Sportsground closures, as a result of wet weather are determined by us from Monday to Friday 6am - midnight inclusive for local, district and regional sportsgrounds. On Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays sportsground closures are the responsibility of the Licensee with sportsgrounds to be assessed by the Licensee against our Ground Information App.
Should wet weather conditions develop, inspections should be carried out throughout the licenced period to ascertain if there is any deterioration to the condition of the sportsground. If excessive damage is noticed, it is the responsibility of the Licensee to cancel further games and/or training with the Licensee to update our Ground Information App.
Council's Ground User Information App
Our Sportsground Closure List provides the most up-to-date status of our sportsgrounds conditions.
Monday to Friday the Ground User Information App will be last updated by us by 2pm. From 2pm weekdays, if the sportsground is declared open, the sportsground must be monitored closely by the Licensee for any change in conditions and reinspections carried out as necessary. If wet weather conditions develop inspections must be completed throughout the licenced usage times to ascertain if there is any deterioration to the condition of the sportsground. If excessive damage is noticed, then further games and/or training should be cancelled.
CN's Ground Information App Instructions will assist licensed Sportsground Users to navigate the App.
Sportsground Open
The sportsground is declared open, however, the sportsground must be monitored closely for any change in conditions and reinspections carried out as necessary. If wet weather has been present in the week proceeding, is forecast by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology or wet weather conditions develop inspections should be completed throughout the day to ascertain if there is any deterioration to the condition of the sportsground. If excessive damage is noticed, then further games and/or training should be cancelled. The assessments via the Council Ground User Information App.
Sportsground Closed
The sportsground is declared closed and may not be used for competition or training. Once a sportsground is closed, it will remain closed until a reinspection declares the ground open. The assessments are to be conducted via the Council Ground Information App.
*A closure exemption will apply in the circumstance that the cricket wicket only has scored a hazard rating of 3, in this instance the ground may remain open for training only with the provision activities will only take place outside the cricket wicket square at a minimum distance of 5m.
**Where the assessment is being carried out for an event, in the circumstance the cricket wicket only has scored a hazard rating of 3, the boundary around the wicket or covering of the wicket must extend to a minimum of 10m from the wicket edge.
Please see Sportsground Closures for current status of our Sportsgrounds.
Sportsground Booking Enquiry
Need a sportsground for your next game?
Fill out the form below to enquire about booking a sportsground. Our team will get back to you shortly with availability and pricing information.
Fees and Charges
For current hire costs please refer to the Fees and Charges for 2024/25 (PDF)