Disability Access and Inclusion
International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is celebrated each year on 3 December. Newcastle is a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city and we acknowledge IDPwD to highlight the achievements, leadership and rights of people with disabilities across our community.
The 2024 theme is "Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future." Ways to support this theme include by promoting the leadership of persons with disabilities in all areas of life, raising the awareness of rights of people with disabilities, ensuring people with disabilities are participating in decision making processes and celebrating/highlighting achievements of people with disabilities.
CN's Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 outlines the 35 actions we are currently working on in response to community consultation held when developing the plan. Demonstrating positive attitudes and behaviours towards disability and to people with disabilities is a key factor in creating an inclusive community. View stories of IDPwD 2024 Ambassadors.
IDPwD also provides a great opportunity for City of Newcastle to highlight our progression towards a more inclusive community and promote initiatives and activities happening right across our community.
On Tuesday 3 December a morning tea will be held at Newcastle Museum from 9:30am where local Inclusive Dance School, Chance2Dance will put on a performance, we will also highlight local inclusive activities across Newcastle and those available through our City of Newcastle programs/venues. All welcome to attend.
During 2024 CN via our Count Us In Program delivered grant funding to assist community organisations increase their ability to deliver inclusive activities in sports and recreation, these activities are now rolling out in the lead up to IDPwD and throughout 2025. See examples below:
Saturday 30 November Para Standing Adaptive Tennis @ Discover Tennis Broadmeadow 9:30am-11am (30/11 to 21/12 and 1st term 2025)
Saturday 30 November Wheelchair Sport for Kids Come and Try Day @ PCYC Broadmeadow 12noon-2pm
Sunday 1 December Wheelchair Basketball Demonstration Match and Come and Try @ National Park Basketball Courts 12noon-1:30pm
Sunday 1 December Wheelchair MX/Skateboarding Demo and Orientation session @ South Newcastle Skate Pake 2:30pm-4pm
Sunday 19 January 2025 Chance2Dance Come and Try Inclusive Dance Sessions @ Wallsend Diggers Club Sessions at 10am to 12noon and 3pm to 5pm
Also coming in 2025, Free Inclusive Surfing Sessions with Learn to Surf Newcastle, All Abilities Lawn Bowls, Fun Fit Water Polo, and Inclusive Football activities. View My Community Diary for local community events.
Access Inclusion Standing Committee
City of Newcastle has an Access Inclusion Committee. The Committee assists with the implementation of our Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 and also provides advice on local matters related to disability inclusion in Newcastle.
With the commencement of a new Council term, new membership of the committee will occur. CN acknowledges the contribution of former members including, former Cr Margaret Wood, Cr Dr Elizabeth Adamczyk, former Cr Katrina Wark, Andrew Vodic, Patrick Bellamy, Ben Moxey, Chad Ramage, Lindsay Gardner, Sandra Irons and Stewart MacLennan.
Further information about community membership opportunities will be provided in the coming months.
Committee Membership
Councillor Members: Cr Dr Elizabeth Adamczyk (Chair), Cr Sinead Francis-Coan (Deputy Chair), Cr Mark Brooker.
This committee may have a co-chair selected from the community membership.
Representatives from Stakeholder Organisations: TBC
Community Representatives: TBC
For further information about Committees at City of Newcastle visit our Advisory Committee's page.
If you would like to provide access and inclusion related feedback about our local infrastructure or services please click here
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026
Council adopted the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 on February 22, 2022. The next four years will see CN work with the community and other stakeholders to deliver on the 35 actions of the DIAP.
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 was prepared in accordance with s.12 of the NSW Disability Inclusion Act and outlines how Council will contribute to making Newcastle a more inclusive and accessible city for everyone.
You can access the 2022-2026 plan in a variety of formats by clicking on the links below.
If you require a copy of the plan in an alternative format other than listed below, contact us on:
Phone: 02 49742863
Text: 0419 616 818
Email: communityadmin@ncc.nsw.gov.au
- Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 (Accessible PDF)
- Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 (Text only/WORD format)
- Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 (Easy Read format/WORD)
- Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 (Easy Read Accessible PDF)
Diversify Your Workforce - Disability and Employment
Working-age people with disability are more likely to be unemployed than those without disability. They are also more likely to be unemployed for longer.
During Count Us In 2022, City of Newcastle engaged with people with disabilities and other stakeholders to record localised thoughts and experiences related to disability and employment.
We have developed two video resources to share across the community to promote more inclusive employment. The 2 minute clip includes closed captions and the 10 minute version includes closed captions and is Auslan interpreted.
We hope the voices of these local people can strengthen efforts to address negative attitudes and behaviours regarding the contribution that people with disability can and do make to our community.
Inclusion is everyone's business. Let's work together to make a difference!
Visit the Disability Inclusion Action Plan section above to see what City of Newcastle is working on to create more inclusive employment.
National Disability Insurance Agency
National Disability Insurance Agency - NDIA (agency delivering the National Disability Insurance Scheme)
If you are a person living with a disability and you meet the relevant access requirements you can become a participant in the scheme. The access requirements will be explained when you call the NDIA.
Call 1800 800 110.
If you do not meet the relevant access requirements, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) may be able to provide you with information about other supports that could be of benefit to you and assist in referral to these.