Application for a Waiver or Reduction of Fees and Charges
Section 610E of the Local Government Act 1993 allows Council to waive payment of, or reduce a fee in a particular case if it is satisfied that the case falls within a category of hardship or any other category that Council has determined Council has determined that fees may be waived or reduced in the following categories.
Category one – financial hardship
Council may reduce or waive fees in cases where the applicant provides evidence that the payment of the fee will impose significant financial hardship. In determining eligibility on the basis of significant hardship, Council will:
- Apply the criteria used by the Department of Human Services (Centrelink)
- Require the applicant to provide reasonable proof of financial hardship which may include details of assets, income and living expenses, and such other information required to make a valid assessment.
Category two - charity
Council may reduce or waive fees in where the applicant is a registered charity and the fee is for a service that will enable the provision of charitable services to City of Newcastle's community.
Category three – illness or death (library overdue charges and pool season passes/tickets only)
Council may reduce or waive fees in cases where the applicant provides evidence that the charge was incurred because of:
- Serious illness of a customer or the customer’s immediate family member
- Serious accident involving the customer or the customer’s immediate family member
- Death of a customer or the customer’s immediate family member.
In determining eligibility on the basis of illness or death, Council will require the customer to present:
- Medical certificate
- Statutory declaration.
Category four – Large Commercial Waste Operators
Council may reduce fees for Commercial Customers that have committed to dispose (at SWMC) either;
- >5,000 tonnes per annum of soil classified as General Solid Waste; or
- >15,000 tonnes per annum of mixed General Solid Waste
You can use this form to apply for a reduction or waiver of fees and charges for the hire of a Park, Beach or Road Reserve, Sportsground or Community Hall (or other item under Facilities and Recreation).
- It is essential that you read through the eligibility terms and conditions (PART F) before you complete the form. You are not required to submit this form where reduced fees identified in the fees and charges schedule apply.
- Make sure you complete all sections in clear print and/or type directly into the form.
- Please tick YES or NO where required. If you are using the form electronically, double click the check box and select 'checked'.
- Applications are to be lodged prior to the date of an event or activity (at least two weeks prior where possible).
In Person - At the Customer Contact Centre, located on the ground floor of 12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West. Operating times from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Mail - Postal address Interim Chief Executive Officer, City of Newcastle, PO Box 489 Newcastle 2300.
Email - by return email to the officer or relevant department
- It is your responsibility to ensure the form is lodged prior to the date of your event or activity. Applications received after an event or activity will not be accepted.
- Please ensure all 3 pages are submitted. An incomplete and/or unsigned application will not be accepted.
For further information please call the Customer Contact Centre on 02 4974 2000.