Private Tree Removal Application Form
The Private Tree Removal Application Form is to be used for trees/shrubs located on private land and the trees/shrubs are not associated with a development.
When to use this form:
- To remove tree(s) that do not meet the exempt criteria. Note: A Level 5 Arborist Report will be required to support your application and must demonstrate that the tree(s) meets the tree assessment tests outlined in Section 3.4.4, Part A Private Trees of the Urban Forest Technical Manual 2018 (herein referred to as the manual). The Arborist Report must also conform to Section 6 Part A of the manual.
- Tree(s) must be located on privately owned property.
This form should NOT be used if:
- The tree(s) meet the exempt criteria as set out in sub-section 7, Section C3 Vegetation Preservation and Care of the City of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023.
- The tree/shrub is to be removed to allow for future development. Tree/shrub removal associated with development will be assessed as part of the Development Application process.
- There is a previous or current development consent requiring the retention or planting of the tree/shrub proposed for removal. Refer to Council's Duty Officer or Private Certifier (potential modification application may be required).
- The tree(s) on the property are within a 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Entitlement Area with regard to bushfire. To find out if the property is within a 10/50 area, please use the online tool at: Rural Fire Service 10/50 Scheme.
- To remove a tree(s) that is (or forms part of) a heritage listed item, is located within a Heritage Conservation Area, or us a tree(s) that is (or forms part of) an Aboriginal object or within a place of Aboriginal significance. Please complete a Heritage Minor Works or Maintenance Form.
- The tree or shrub forms part of an Endangered Ecological Community or is associated with a Native Vegetation Community or is a Threatened Species. Please refer to the Native Vegetation Removal Permit
- The tree or shrub is within 100 metres of a designated SEPP14 wetland boundary. Please refer to Native Vegetation Removal Permit
For further information on removal of private trees and shrubs please refer to our Tree, Shrub and Vegetation Removal page as well as Parts A and C of the Urban Forest Technical Manual
Download this form:
View the Private Tree Removal Application Form (PDF)
When completing this form please ensure all information is clearly legible and all documents/payments are received by Council on lodgement, otherwise your application may be delayed or rejected.