City of Newcastle's Annual Report reflects achievements in challenging year
24 Nov 2020
New playgrounds and local centres for the community, flood mitigating infrastructure in Wallsend and an energy saving five-megawatt solar farm at Summerhill Waste Management Centre are just some of the City’s achievements during a year like no other.
City of Newcastle’s 2019-20 Annual Report was adopted by the elected Council at November’s Ordinary Council meeting, summarising in detail the City’s achievements, successes and financial performance.
Covered in the Annual Report is the City’s swift and strong response to the COVID-19 pandemic which included a $5.5 million economic and community resilience package to support people and business through the unprecedented disruption.
City of Newcastle’s financial sustainability has played a significant role in Newcastle’s recovery from COVID-19.
Even with COVID-19 reducing the operating position by $9.9 million, City of Newcastle delivered a record works investment of $92.5 million and relatively small $3.6 million deficit following six consecutive years of surpluses.
Highlights of the City’s record $92.5 million works program include:
• completion of the Tyrrell Street Bridge at Wallsend reducing flooding for residents and businesses
• local centre renewal at Beresfield improving the visual amenity, community and safety functions of neighbourhood centres
• new amenities block at Lambton Park benefiting locals and visitors to the city
• five-megawatt solar farm at Summerhill Waste Management Centre generating enough energy to power the equivalent of 1,300 households
• playground replacement and upgrades at Cold Stream Crescent, Rankin Park providing our City’s young people with a safe and accessible place to play
• road and drainage rehabilitation at various locations including Cook Hill, Waratah, Newcastle, Wickham and Lambton improving stormwater flows
• pedestrian crossing upgrades in Mayfield, Wickham and Adamstown improving safety in our local centres
• construction of the Resource Recovery Centre directing recyclable material from landfill
The $6 million Resource Recovery Centre at Summerhill Waste Management Centre opened in December 2019 with capacity to process up to 30,000 tonnes of material each year and divert 20 per cent of the materials dropped off at the facility, improving resource recovery by around 6,000 tonnes per annum.
The Annual Report addresses seven key focus areas identified in the Community Strategic Plan: Integrated and Accessible Transport, Protected Environment, Vibrant, Safe and Active Public Places, Inclusive Community, Liveable Built Environment, Smart and Innovative, and Open and Collaborative Leadership.
View the full City of Newcastle 2019/20 Annual Report.