Community sets vision to enhance Carrington’s greenspaces
08 Dec 2020
A strategy to improve the amenity and recreation opportunities for the community in Carrington will be considered at tonight’s Ordinary Council Meeting.
The Carrington Greenspace Masterplan examines existing land and park facilities exploring how the greenspaces can best be managed to meet recreation, sporting, community needs and environmental outcomes in both the short and long term.
City of Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the community’s feedback has been integral to shaping the vision of Carrington’s green spaces.
“With its long and rich cultural heritage and unique industrial history linked to its role as a working port, the suburb of Carrington is one of Newcastle’s most desirable city neighbourhoods.
“The vision for Carrington greenspaces has been driven by the community and stakeholders and represents the aspirations of the people to see Carrington be the best it can be.
“The plan is a guiding document to shape a connected open space network, whilst building upon the unique character of Carrington.
“To develop the plan, we engaged with Carrington residents, collecting ideas through workshops, drop in sessions, surveys and conversations.
“People told us that more canopy trees in parks and streets, verge gardens, more connected pathways and improved streetlighting will improve how they enjoy their neighbourhood.
“Carrington has undergone significant economic and urban transformation yet despite these changes, it has retained its unique personality and its generous and distinctive open spaces.
“We want to ensure we provide innovative, active and passive spaces for all members of the community to enjoy.
“An important part of the Plan is to also showcase Worimi and Awabakal stories in places of importance and recommends consulting further with the community to identify a site for a cultural meeting place for social gatherings, storytelling and education.
“While some actions identify further community engagement being required, and will need a collaborative funding approach, having a masterplan that is built upon the needs and priorities of the community will assist in securing funding to deliver specific initiatives in the future.”