Council update - 20 June 2017
20 June 2017
Following is a summary of the Public Voice, Briefing and Development Application Committee meetings held on Tuesday 20 June 2017. Note: It is not a record of resolutions.
Public Voice Committee
Friends of King Edward Park - 1 Ordnance Street, Newcastle
Representatives of the Friends of King Edward Park addressed Council about the importance of King Edward Park and requested the Newcastle LEP 2012 be amended to remove function centres and kiosks as a permissible use.
DA 2017/00019 - 23 Alfred Street, Newcastle East
Objectors to the above development application addressed Council raising concerns about the size and height of the proposed development. Representatives of the applicant also addressed Council advising that the current proposal had reduced significantly in size.
Briefing Committee
Update from Transport for NSW
Representatives from Transport for NSW, the NSW Department of Planning and Hunter Development Corporation updated Council on the Future Transport Strategy and related transport planning documents for the Newcastle area. The draft Future Transport Strategy is scheduled for release at the end of 2017.
Development Applications Committee
DA 2015/10304 - 123 King Street, Newcastle
Council approved alterations and additions to the above property. The development will include 25 residential units and three commercial tenancies at ground level.
DA 2017/00052 - 176 Hunter Street, Newcastle
Council approved alterations and additions to the above property. The development will include construction of an additional two storeys and adaptive reuse as a mixed retail, commercial, residential building with a small bar.
DA 2016/01283 - 65-75 Brunker Road, Broadmeadow
Council approved the demolition of the existing buildings and the construction of a five story residential building. The development will include 38 units and 42 ground floor parking bays.