Council update ordinary council meeting 14 March 2017
14 Mar 2017
Following is a summary of the ordinary council meeting for Tuesday 14 March 2017. Note: it is not a record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute
Council reiterated its commitment to the redevelopment of the Newcastle Art Gallery and resolved to meet with the incoming arts minister to investigate joint support for the gallery's redevelopment.
Application not to fill casual vacancy in the office of ward 1 councillor
Council voted to lodge an application with the Minister of Local Government not to fill the vacancy in the office of Ward One Councillor left by the resignation of Lisa Tierney.
Summerhill Waste Management Centre proposed fees and charges
Council endorsed a schedule of fees and charges for waste management for 2017/18 and resolved to place it on public exhibition for 28 days.
4 Mayo Street Jesmond - withdrawal of proposed amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012
Council resolved to forward a planning proposal to the Minister for Planning and Environment with a request not to proceed under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.
Advertising and signage - adoption of amendments to Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council adopted amendments to the Advertising and Signage section of the Newcastle Development and Control Plan 2012 following a public exhibition process.
Stormwater - adoption of amendments to Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council adopted amendments to the Stormwater and Glossary sections of the Development Control Plan following a public consultation process.
Significant Civil Works Renewal Opportunity
Council committed $8.8 million for civil works renewal in the east end and resolved to coordinate with Supercars and Destination NSW to consult with the community on the race route selection and the potential of using Shortland Esplanade between the Baths and Nobbys.
Notices of Motion
Council's support for Mayfield Bowling Club and Dangar Park as open space
Council reaffirmed its strong and unambiguous support for all parts of Dangar Park, including the Mayfield Bowling Club, to remain as public park free from commercial or private development.