Council update Tuesday 22 May 2018
22 May 2018
Lord Mayoral Minute
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported to write to the NSW Treasurer ahead of next month's State budget to advocate key projects for Newcastle.
Executive monthly performance report
The usual report was received.
Quarterly budget review statement
Council voted to receive the March Quarterly Budget review statement.
Public Exhibition of draft Dogs in Open Space Strategy
Council resolved to place the draft strategy on public exhibition for 90 days, and write to registered dog owners to seek their feedback.
Adoption of Wallsend Public Domain and Traffic Plan
Council adopted the Wallsend Public Domain Plan and associated Traffic Management Plan.
Harriet St, Waratah - Proposed pedestrian crossing north of High Street
Council approved the pedestrian crossing proposed for Harriet Street, Waratah, north of High Street.
Public exhibition of draft Outdoor Exercise Facility Strategy
Council voted to place the draft Outdoor Exercise Facility Strategy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.
Delegation to publicly exhibit the Newcastle Coastal Zone Management Plan - Stockton
Council has delegated authority to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Office to publicly exhibit the draft Newcastle Coastal Zone Management Plan - Stockton.
Call for nominations for the Community Place Making Project Grant Panel
Councillors MacKenzie, Duncan, Rufo and Byrne have been appointed to the Community Place Making Grant Panel for the next two years.
Adoption fo the Newcastle Affordable Living Plan
Higher density residential areas and floor space bonuses for developers are part of the Newcastle Affordable Living Plan that Council has adopted to support the supply of affordable housing in Newcastle.
Wickham Amendments - Endorsement of the Amendment to the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
Council has endorsed a planning proposal to begin the process to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 in line with the Wickham Master Plan adopted at Council's Ordinary General meeting of 28 November 2017.
Endorsement of the exhibition of amendment to alcohol free zone in Mayfield
Council resolved to place the updated Mayfield Alcohol Free Zone on public exhibition for 30 days.
AA Company House - Endorsement of amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
Council has noted a determination by the Department of Planning and Environment to update the heritage significance of the AA Company house site on Denison Street, Hamilton, and to exhibit the planning proposal for 14 days.
Notices of Motion
Pensioner rebates
A Notice of Motion regarding pensioner rebates was amended to require Council to write to all ratepayers promoting the existing financial assistance available - up to $260 pa for those suffering financial hardship - in addition to the existing $250 rebate for pensioners.
Solar uptake
A motion to receive a report outlining opportunities to help boost the uptake of solar energy, electric vehicle infrastructure and battery storage in residential buildings, particularly high-rise apartment complexes, was supported.
RV Disposal points
Council supported an investigation into the installation of new points for recreational vehicles to dispose of their black and grey water within the Newcastle LGA.
Newcastle as a Welcoming City and Refugee Week
A motion to work with the Refugee Council of Australia to promote community activities that celebrate Refugee Week from Sunday 17 June to Saturday 23 June was supported.
Tighes Hill Community Garden
A motion to support the Tighes Hill Community Garden and help it relocate to a new location was supported.