Council update Tuesday 25 February 2020
25 Feb 2020
Lord Mayoral Minutes
StudyNSW website update
A Lord Mayoral Minute to write, in partnership with the University of Newcastle, to the NSW Government Minister responsible for the StudyNSW website requesting promotion of regional cities like Newcastle as study destinations, was supported.
National Communciations Charter: A unified approach to mental health and suicide prevention
A Lord Mayoral Minute to sign Everymind's National Communications Charter and take a leadership role on removing the stigma of mental illness and suicide, both for our staff and across the broader community, was supported.
Stockton Beach erosion natural disaster update
A Lord Mayoral Minute commending the Stockton community and committing to a range of actions to help it endure strains posed by ongoing erosion issues was supported.
Audit and Risk Committee 2018/19 Annual Report
Council voted to receive its Audit and Risk Committee’s Annual Report for the 2018/2019 financial year.
Adoption of outdoor trading policy
Council resolved to abolish outdoor trading fees across the city to encourage more outdoor dining. Aimed at encouraging more outdoor dining and activating commercial centres, the amendment to the City’s Outdoor Trading Policy will save inner-city businesses $115 a year for every square metre they host patrons in outdoors, and $65/sqm for businesses elsewhere in Newcastle.
Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths expressions of interest update
Council resolved to prepare concept-design plans for the upgrade of Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths and investigate funding sources following an unsuccessful expression of interest process to find an investment partner.
Janet Street, Jesmond – proposed upgrade to existing pedestrian crossing
The City will raise a pedestrian crossing on Janet Street, Jesmond, east of Algie Street, and extend the kerb to increase public safety.
Dissolution of community facilities s355 committees
Council resolved to formally dissolve the Carrington Community Centre and Henderson Park Hall committees and formally acknowledge the contributions made by their volunteer members after both groups voluntarily stood down recently.
Live music strategy update
Council received an update on the implementation of the Live Music Strategy 2019-2023. Following extensive research and engagement with both music industry stakeholders and wider community, the City has captured data and feedback that can be summarised under five key themes for which actions can be taken to improve the live music sector: venue management and safety, promotion, development and diversification of the music sector, conflict mitigation between live music venues and surrounding communities and definition, awareness of and expectation management of music precincts.
Six-Monthly Performance Report on the 2018-2022 Delivery Program (our budget 2019/20)
Council received the Six-Monthly Performance Report on the 2018-2022 Delivery Program.
Adoption of the western corridor section 7.11 local contributions plan
Council adopted the Western Corridor Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2013
Tabling of pecuniary interest returns – 1 November 2019 to 31 January 2020
Council noted the tabling of pecuniary interest returns by the CEO.
Council Chambers - City Hall
City Hall’s Council Chambers will be opened to the public for commercial hire under a tiered pricing system that encourages both the private sector and community groups to utilise the historic facility.
Quarterly budget review – December
Council received the December Quarterly Budget Review Statement in which our works program for the 2019/20 financial year has been increased to $99.6 million from around $85 million, with our forecasted budget surplus reduced by $3.8 million to $4.1 million.
Executive monthly performance
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for January 2020
Notices of Motion
Ocean baths redevelopment update
A Notice of Motion noting that a Community Reference Group will now be established to inform the upgrade of Newcastle Ocean Baths was supported.
Electric waste management vehicles
Another Notice of Motion, to receive a report on conversion of the City's waste management vehicle fleet to electric vehicles, was supported.
NSW bushfire emergency response
A third Notice of Motion, to help neighbouring councils affected by recent bush fires with plant equipment and staff hours, was supported.