Council update: Tuesday 26 February 2019
26 Feb 2019
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 26 February 2019. NB: It is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute to raise awareness of ovarian cancer through Jill Emberson, a journalist and research advocate and Newcastle's current Citizen of the Year, and recognise Wednesday 27 February as Teal Ribbon Day, was supported.
A Lord Mayoral Minute to host a Newcastle Earthquake 30th Anniversary Commemoration Service on Saturday 28 December was supported.
A Lord Mayoral Minute congratulating the Merewether Boardriders Club on their recent victory in the Australian Boardriders Battle at Newcastle Beach was unanimously supported.
Another Lord Mayoral Minute was supported to develop a Street Art Festival to produce street art pieces across the City of Newcastle, culminating in a celebration of art in public places.
Ordinary business
Quarterly budget review - December 2018
The report was received and noted.
Executive monthly performance report
The report was received and noted.
Audit and Risk Committee and Internal Audit Annual Report
Council received the Audit and Risk Committee’s Annual Report for the 2017/2018 financial year and noted the 2018/2019 Forward Internal Audit Plan.
Administration of 2020 council elections
Council resolved to enter into a contract with the Electoral Commission for it to administer the 2020 Council elections.
Tabling of pecuniary interest returns
Council noted the tabling of the pecuniary interest returns (for the period 1 November 2018 to 31 January 2019).
Endorsement of planning agreement - 464-470 King Street
Councillors endorsed a planning agreement to enable construction of a $1.47 million pedestrian and cycle link between King Street and Hunter Street as part of a residential development. The link will run along Cottage Creek to Honeysuckle, consistent with the Honeysuckle Foreshore Public Domain Plan.
Endorsement of planning agreement - 5 Hall Street, Maryville
Councillors endorsed another planning agreement that will see the developer of town houses at 5 Hall Street Maryville demolish the existing pathway tracing Throsby Creek and replace it with a wider path along the length of the site.
Public exhibition of West End Stage Two streetscape plan
The West End Streetscape - Stage 2, which includes a variety of projects to improve the city’s newly emerging CBD, was endorsed for public exhibition.
Union Street Cooks Hill - upgrade of the pedestrian facilities between Laman and Bull Streets
Proposed upgrades to pedestrian safety at Union, Laman and Bull streets in Cooks Hill, through the installation of wombat (raised) pedestrian crossings, have been approved.
Acceptance of offer - gas relocation - Council Street, Cooks Hill
Council endorsed Jemena Gas Networks to undertake the required works to relocate gas mains in Council Street, Cooks Hill, as part of the street’s upgrades.
Vista Parade, Kotara - Installation of raised pedestrian crossing and traffic calming devices
Council approved the installation of a children’s crossing and a road hump to slow traffic, improve pedestrian safety and reduce the risk to cyclists at Vista Parade, Kotara.
Public Exhibition of the Draft Library Strategy
Council voted to place the Draft Library Strategy on Public Exhibition for 28 days.
Stevenson Park Masterplan
The Draft Stevenson Park Masterplan, which outlines strategies to improve the parks amenities and facilities, was endorsed by Councillors to be placed on public exhibition for a period of 30 days.
Notices of Motion
Commitment to high quality pools
An NOM to advocate for a year-round aquatic facility as part of the Broadmeadow Sports and Entertainment Precinct was supported.
LGNSW Save our Recycling
Another NOM to support Local Government NSW in its advocacy to have 100 per cent of the waste levy re-invested in waste management, recycling and resource recovery in NSW, was supported.
On-street bike and car share parking
An NOM to encourage more active transport, facilitate options for car sharing companies to increase their presence in Newcastle and to develop a policy for this purpose, was supported.
ICan cities appeal - supporting the United Nations treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons
An NOM to re-inforce the City’s commitment to supporting a 2017 UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was supported.
Adamstown Concept Plan
An amended NOM to prioritise the development of public domains across the local government area, and continue discussions with Adamstown businesses about establishing a business improvement association, was supported.
Right to the Night project
An amended NOM to crowd source data on local experiences of safety by women and girls through the Newcastle After Dark Night-time Economy Strategy 2018-2022 was supported.
City of Newcastle VIP event
An NOM calling for the cancellation of the City's Supercars VIP charity lunches at Fort Scratchley was defeated.
Clean Seas Initiative
An NOM to endorse the UN Environmental Clean Seas campaign and commit to phasing out all single use plastic from City-managed enterprises was supported unanimously.
Climate-related financial and risk disclosure
An NOM to better consider the financial risk of climate change was supported.