Council update: Tuesday 26 March 2019
26 Mar 2019
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 26 March 2019. NB: It is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute
A Lord Mayoral minute was supported to write to the Mayor of Christchurch and the New Zealand Prime Minister expressing Newcastle’s condolences. A prayer and two-minute silence led by local Imam Mohamed Khames was also supported.
Ordinary business
Six month performance report on the 2018-2022 delivery program
The report was received and noted.
Summerhill Waste Management Centre proposed commercial fees and charges 2019/20
Council voted to place the draft amended 2019/20 Schedule of Commercial Fees and Charges for Waste Services on Public Exhibition for 28 days.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the executive monthly performance report for February 2019.
Adoption of revised instruments of delegations to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer
Council resolved to adopt the revised Instrument of Delegations regarding Newcastle Airport to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive, who remain Directors of the Newcastle Airport Partnership Board.
Appointment of voting delegate to the 2019 National General Assembly of Local Government
Council resolved to appoint the Lord Mayor to exercise Council’s voting rights at the 2019 Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly or appoint a delegate from among the Councillor attendees.
Appointment of replacement councillor representative to the Audit and Risk committee
Council appointed Cr Matthew Byrne to the Audit and Risk Committee for the remaining term of Council following the resignation of Cr Jason Dunn.
Adoption of amendment to Newcastle DCP 2012 section 6.02 heritage Conservation Areas
Council voted to endorse an amendment to the local planning framework to create a heritage conservation area in Hamilton.
233 Wharf Road and 150 & 150a Scott Street Newcastle - Endorsement of amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012
Council endorsed a Planning Proposal to rezone and reclassify land at 233 Wharf Road and rezone part of 150a Scott Street. The proposal will now be forwarded to the Minister for Planning and Environment, and a report sent back to Council following public exhibition and public hearing on the proposal.
Fort Wallace, Stockton - Adoption of amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012 and Newcastle DCP 2012 section 6.15
Council endorsed a planning proposal to rezone the Fort Wallace site from SP2 Infrastructure (Defence) to R2 Low Density Residential, RE2 Private Recreation and E2 Environmental Conservation, and amend controls relating to building height, lot size and heritage.
Chinchen Street Islington - proposed traffic signals at Clyde Street and related traffic, pedestrian and cycleways improvements
Council resolved to approve the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Chinchen and Clyde streets, Islington; kerb extensions at nearby Nelson Street and the realignment of the intersection of Clyde Street and Chatham Road to improve pedestrian, cyclist and motorist safety.
Dogs in Open Space Plan
City of Newcastle will build the city’s first fenced dog park where owners can legally let their dogs roam free inside their very own playground after Council resolved to adopt the Dogs in Open Space Plan.
Mobile food vending vehicles - local approvals policy
Council approved the Mobile Food Vending Vehicles Policy (MFVVP) which provides a framework for the operation of mobile food vending vehicles in the City of Newcastle.
Notices of Motion
Light Rail Expansion - John Hunter Hospital and the Newcastle Inner City Bypass
A NOM advocating for the expansion of the Light Rail Network to John Hunter Hospital and the University of Newcastle was supported by Council.
Mobile black spot funding for Newcastle to Sydney train
A NOM requesting Council work with the Hunter Joint Organisation, the Commonwealth, Transport for NSW and Sydney Trains to advocate for mobile black spot funding to address gaps in reception between Newcastle and Sydney along the inter-city rail line, was supported.
Affordable housing scheme for Newcastle
A NOM requesting Council acknowledge State Government changes to its affordable housing policy, and that Council develops its own policy for negotiating with developers in connection with affordable housing DAs, was supported.
Beaumont Street Carnivale
Another NOM acknowledging the diligent work undertaken by a range of groups and individuals to conduct Carnivale in Beaumont Street, Hamilton on Sunday, 10 March 2019, was supported.
Cowper Street Bridge Lighting
A NOM requesting Council investigate a proposal to install LED strip lighting under the Cowper St Bridge as the first step in providing a strong visual connection between Honeysuckle, Wickham and Carrington, was supported.