Council update: Tuesday 28 November 2017
28 Nov 2017
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 28 November 2017.
Note: It is not a record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Armistice Centenary Grants Program
Council endorsed the submission of an EOI to the Federal government's Armistice Centenary Grants Program.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP)
Council resolved to explore suitable options for the introduction of an Indigenous Procurement Policy for Newcastle City Council.
Lord Mayoral Minute - National Disaster Resilience funding for Wallsend
Council resolved to apply for funding under the National Partnership Agreement on National Disaster Resilience, aimed at further addressing flooding issues at Wallsend.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Draft Greater Newcastle Future Transport Plan
Council endorsed the preparation of a submission to the NSW Government on the Draft Greater Newcastle Future Transport Plan, in line with Council's adopted vision, policies and strategies.
Lord Mayoral Minute - NCC Domestic Violence Discussion Paper
Council resolved to develop a Domestic Violence discussion paper, exploring options to take a leadership role on this issue, that NCC take a zero tolerance public stance against family and domestic violence, and that Newcastle seeks to become a White Ribbon Accredited City.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the monthly report.
Quarterly budget review statement
Council received the Quarterly Budget Review statement and adopted the revised budged detailed therein.
2016/17 Annual Report
Council endorsed Newcastle City Council's 2016/17 Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2017. It will be submitted to the NSW Minister for Local Government by 30 November 2017.
Crown Land management in the Newcastle LGA
Council noted that an Expression of Interest has been submitted jointly by Council and Awabakal LALC to the Department of Industry's Land Negotiation Program to determine the most appropriate party to own crown land.
Lambton Pool refurbishment and upgrade
Council resolved to continue to develop planning for a staged approach to the redevelopment and upgrade of Lambton Pool.
Wickham Local Area Traffic Management Plan Study
Council adopted the Wickham Local Area Traffic Management Plan Study.
Adoption of draft Wickham Master Plan
The draft Wickham Master Plan was adopted.
Fort Wallace Stockton - Endorsement of amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012 and DCP 2012
Council endorsed the Fort Wallace Planning Proposal to amend Newcastle LEP 2012 to enable the site to be used for residential and recreational purposes.
Adoption of amendment to section 4.04 - Safety and Security of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council adopted the amended Section 4.04 in order to make it consistent with Council's adopted Safe City Plan 2017 - 2020.
Review of Youth Week Grant policy
The revised Youth Week Grant policy was adopted.
Review of Community Assets and Open Space Policy
Council adopted the draft Community Assets and Open Space policy.
Rescind of Access Policy (2003)
Council rescinded the Access Policy (2003) as it has been superseded by the adoption of Council's Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2016-2019 (DIAP).
Public exhibition of Draft West End Stage One - Public Domain Plan
Council approved release of the Draft West End Stage One - Public Domain Plan for public exhibition and community consultation.
Submission on Venues NSW Hunter Sports and Entertainment Precinct Concept Plan
The draft submission on Venues NSW Hunter Sports and Entertainment Precinct Concept Plan was endorsed for lodgement with Venues NSW.
Harriet Street and Christo Road Waratah - Adoption of amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012
Council endorsed the amendment of the Newcastle LEP 2012 to rezone land at Harriet Street and Christo Road, Waratah, from R2 Low Density Residential to R3 Medium Density Residential.
Temporary suspension of Alcohol Free Zone, car park eastern side Queens Wharf, Wharf Road
Council approved the temporary suspension of the Alcohol Free Zone for the car park adjacent to the eastern side of Queens Wharf for the purpose of staging Newcastle's New Year's Eve event.
Notice of Motion - This Way Home Project
Council affirmed its role in addressing homelessness through strategic advocacy and participation in multiagency partnerships, and noted This Way Home Project as an exemplary partnership model.
Notice of Motion - Islington Park washroom amenities
Council endorsed promoting the available washroom amenities at Islington Park to the community and to determine if current directional signage is sufficient.
Notice of Motion - Sewerage services for Hexham
Support was reiterated for the delivery of backlog sewerage services to the township of Hexham and for a draft submission to IPART for a review of developer charges and backlog sewerage charges.
Notice of Motion - Retention of The Store façade in Newcastle Bus Interchange
A motion was defeated calling for the façade of The Store to be retained and incorporated into design options for the Newcastle Bus Interchange site.
Queens Wharf Tower
Council approved the demolition of the Queens Wharf Tower in mid-2018 and will consult with the community about how the space should be used.