Have your say on Carrington’s green space planning at community drop in session
13 Nov 2019
There are few neighbourhoods in Newcastle as storied and distinct as Carrington. Long defined by Newcastle Harbour and influenced by the harsh prosperity of a working port, Carrington is now one of Newcastle’s most desirable city neighbourhoods.
Carrington has undergone significant economic and urban transformation and despite these changes, has retained its unique personality and its generous and distinctive open spaces.
It’s these greenspaces and public domain that the City of Newcastle is seeking community feedback on as part of the public exhibition of the Carrington Greenspace Masterplan.
A community drop in session will be hosted by City of Newcastle at Carrington Community Centre on Saturday 16 November between 10.30am-12.30pm allowing residents the perfect opportunity to view the plan and to give feedback.
City of Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes encourages people who live and work in Carrington to engage with the community consultation session to ensure their valuable feedback is received.
“We want the Carrington community to feel a sense of ownership of the master plan and to see opportunities to work together with the City and other landowners to achieve its aims.
“This plan lays out the framework for improvement opportunities in relation to Carrington’s greenspaces, and while works identified will need a collaborative funding approach, having a plan that is built upon the needs and priorities of the community will assist in securing funding to deliver specific initiatives in the future.
“After early community consultation, the addition of large shade trees in parks, more green cover on street verges and improved lighting along the foreshore are some of the features Carrington residents would like incorporated into the suburb.
“Not only are we hoping to improve the amenity and livability of the suburb by increasing green spaces we can create a cooler, more comfortable town centre in the warmer months.”
This masterplan sets the future direction for Carrington Greenspaces, providing innovative and active spaces for all members of the community to enjoy.
The community consultation process runs until 22 December.
If you are unable to attend Saturday’s drop-in session, check out the plans online at www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/exhibition