Kerbside works to begin on Watt Street
11 Apr 2018
Minor works will begin on Watt Street from Monday 16 April to install bluestone pavers along the kerbside from Scott Street to King Street.
The pavers will mark Watt Street as one of Newcastle's premier streets, ensuring the footpath has a look distinctive from other CBD streets.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said work would be done in four stages, each lasting no more than one week and with minimal impact on traffic in the area.
A single crew will work block-by-block and only in the parking lane of one side of the road at a time.
"The contractors responsible for that part of our East End renewal scheme were unable to source a sufficient supply of bluestone pavers when undertaking the road improvements last year," the Lord Mayor said.
"The pavers are now available, meaning we can move ahead with the work and create a more aesthetically pleasing streetscape.
"This work is not creating extra cost for ratepayers - it's part of the Watt Street renewal budgeted for last year and is in keeping with our guidelines for city centre public spaces."
The four stages of work, each taking no more than a week, weather permitting, will be:
1. Eastern side of Watt Street from Scott to Hunter Street
2. Western side of Watt Street from Scott to Hunter Street
3. Eastern side of Watt Street from Hunter to King Street
4. Western side of Watt Street from Hunter to King Street
Two-way traffic flow along Watt Street will continue and there will be no night or weekend work.
The pavers will be installed in a row from the kerb, covering 470mm of the existing footpath.
During installation, the remaining footpath width will remain open to pedestrians. Importantly, there will be no need for the hoardings required during the road resurfacing utility services replacement last year.
Parking will only be affected along each section of Watt Street as work on that section was taking place.
"Only a handful of parking spaces will be unavailable at any time on Watt Street," Councillor Nelmes added.
"As soon as the paving in front of a car space is completed, we'll ensure that space is again available for parking.
"Council is doing everything it can to ensure this street improvement causes minimal impact to the community."
Council will door-knock Watt Street properties on Thursday and Friday to ensure they are aware of the work and understand any temporary issues it could cause.
A flyer will also be letterbox dropped to each property to ensure residents and businesses have Council's contact details should they have questions or requests.