Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 August 2020
25 Aug 2020
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 25 August 2020. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions, please see the Council Meeting Minutes and/or webcast archive for more information.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute received support after it called on the NSW Government to commit to building the state’s vital transport infrastructure in NSW. The Minute also congratulated Novocastrian Cory Wright and ex-Novocastrian Steve Murphy on their respective elections as the NSW and Federal Secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, and committed to seeking their input into protecting and strengthening manufacturing and supporting Newcastle manufacturing workers through the COVID recovery and transition to a net-zero carbon economy.
A second Lord Mayoral Minute to ask the Public Accountability Committee to establish a consistent geography and classification across all NSW Government funding sources that enables equitable access for all LGAs was supported. The minute also called for the creation of a Gateway City classification to recognise that LGAs like Newcastle and Wollongong are major regional economic centres that sit between a metropolitan and regional classification.
Ordinary business
King Street, Stockton - Marine Rescue Land Only Lease
Council resolved to enter into a 21-year Land Only Lease with Marine Rescue NSW to allow them to construct a new operations centre on the Stockton site.
Tabling of pecuniary interest returns - 1 May to 31 July 2020
Council noted the tabling of pecuniary interest returns received from designated persons between 1 May and 31 July 2020 in accordance with the City of Newcastle’s Code of Conduct for Staff.
Public exhibition of the Draft Section 7.12 Newcastle Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 (Update August 2020)
Council voted to place the draft Section 7.12 Newcastle Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 (Update August 2020) on public exhibition for 28 days.
Variations to Development Standards 32
Council received the report on development variations approved between January 2020 and July 2020.
Emergency egress for high-rise occupants with a disability
Council voted to write to the Council of Australian Governments’ Building Ministers’ Forum, the Australian Building Codes Board and the NSW Minister representing the State on the Council of Australian Governments’ Building Ministers' Forum to seek support for the creation of provisions that improve emergency egress for people with a disability, particularly with respect to emergency egress from high-rise buildings.
Council will also write to the NSW Building Commissioner to seek support for the creation of formal administrative arrangements that marry in with the Commonwealth’s disability discrimination provisions, and investigate amending City of Newcastle’s Development Control Plans / Planning Guidelines to include consideration of emergency egress from high-rise buildings for people with disabilities.
Young Road, Lambton – intersection realignment and pedestrian refuge at Durham Road and intersection realignment at Wallarah Road
Council voted to approve the realignment of the intersection of Durham Road at Young Road Lambton.
Adoption of Asset Management Policy 2020
Council voted to adopt the revised Asset Management Policy.
Public exhibition of Draft Strategic Sports Plan
Council resolved to place the draft Strategic Sports Plan on public exhibition for 42 days and requested that a report on submissions received be brought back to the Council following the public exhibition.
Authorisation for signing of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2020
Council noted that the preparation of City of Newcastle’s Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 is underway and upon completion they will be referred to the NSW Audit Office. Council voted to authorise the Lord Mayor, a Councillor, the Chief Executive Officer and the responsible Accounting Officer to sign the Statements by Councillors and Management at the conclusion of the external audit.
Investment and borrowing policy annual review
Council voted to adopt the updated Investment and Borrowing Policy.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for July 2020.
Appointment of Deputy Lord Mayor
Council reappointed Cr Declan Clausen as Deputy Lord Mayor for the period 13 September 2020 until the day before the next ordinary election.
Transfer of Civic Hotel liquor licence
Council voted to endorse running an Expression of Interest for the transfer of the former Civic Hotel liquor licence. The Chief Executive Officer or his delegate was granted authority to execute all relevant documentation to enact the transfer to a successful proponent for an amount that meets or exceeds the current valuation of the licence. The proceeds will be transferred to City of Newcastle’s ‘Works Program: Specific Projects’ internally restricted reserves.
Notices of Motion
Newcastle Inner City Bypass
A notice of motion to engage with the University of Newcastle and Hunter New England Health, and write to various NSW Government Ministers and the Member for Wallsend, seeking to include a rapid transport connection between John Hunter Hospital and the University of Newcastle on the Newcastle Inner City Bypass, was supported.