Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 July 2023
25 July 2023
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 25 July 2023. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Acknowledging Youth With a Mission (YWAM) Newcastle's Assistance to Ukraine
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported commending YWAM Newcastle for their bravery and community spirit in leading three delegations of dedicated Novocastrian volunteers to travel to Ukraine to provide assistance, outreach and support to many towns and cities, affected by the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
Sister Cities Program & Regional Partnerships
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported to develop a Council policy in regard to prospective sister city relationships, which are designed to promote and encourage friendship and cooperation between Local Governments, business leaders and the wider community, in addition to facilitating cultural exchange programs and economic development.
City of Newcastle World Cup Live Site
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that congratulated and thanked all those involved in the Newcastle live site at Wheeler Place for the Matilda’s opening match of the World Cup and encouraged Novocastrians to again show their support for the Matildas at the live site screenings on 27 and 31 July.
Supporting NRLW State of Origin in Newcastle
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported for City of Newcastle to continue to join City of Townsville, Venues NSW and McDonald Jones Stadium to advocate to the ARL Commission for Newcastle as the rightful New South Wales host city for WNRL State of Origin.
EV Kerbside Charging Grants
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that noted City of Newcastle’s (CN) ongoing development of a council-owned public EV charging network, which currently includes seven chargers installed across four sites, and called for CN to apply for a grant through the NSW Government's EV Kerbside Charging Grants program, following the identification of additional key locations throughout the Newcastle LGA that would assist in the uptake of electric vehicles.
Thank you and farewell Joanne Rigby
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported extending sincere gratitude to and acknowledging the many contributions of Executive Director City Infrastructure, Joanne Rigby, who retires after more than 20 years of dedicated service to our community.
Ordinary business
Public exhibition of draft Environment Strategy
Council voted to publicly exhibit the draft Newcastle Environment Strategy 2023 for a period of 28 days. The Strategy provides a road map for achieving the three sustainability priorities and eight sustainability objectives in Newcastle 2040 over the next 10 years.
Adoption of Social Strategy
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Social Strategy 2023, following public exhibition. The Strategy provides a framework and actions towards a socially just and inclusive place for all.
Public Art Reference Group (PARG) Annual Report
Council received the Public Art Reference Group (PARG) Annual Report. The PARG act as an Advisory Committee to the City of Newcastle on public art.
Outcome of NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal Hearing
Council noted the decision of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal's regarding two Code of Conduct matters involving former Councillor Allan Robinson.
Public exhibition of Throsby, Styx and Cottage Creeks Flood Study
Council unanimously voted to publicly exhibit the draft Throsby, Styx and Cottage Creeks Flood Study for a period of 28 days.
Tender Report – Minor Civil Works – Contract NO. 2023/122T
Council voted to accept tenders for the casual hire of minor civil works for a two-year period.
Tender Report Biennial supply of Traffic Management Services – Contract No. 2023/121T
Council voted to accept tenders for the casual supply of traffic management services for a two-year period.
Tender Report – Natural areas rehabilitation tender panel – 2023/091T
Council voted to accept tenders for natural areas rehabilitation services for environmental assets across the Newcastle Local Government Area, which comprise of water courses and wetlands, coastal ecosystems, Endangered Ecological Communities and bushland reserves, and for planting programs within parks and open spaces.
Notices of Motion
Adoption of Liveable Housing Design to improve the adaptability and accessibility of new residential development
Council supported a notice of motion to call upon the NSW Labor Government to adopt the Liveable Housing Design Standards (silver level) introduced into the National Construction Code in 2022 and amend the 2023 NSW Land and Housing Corporation Design Requirements so that the Platinum Level Liveable Housing Design Guidelines are mandatory for all new social housing.
City of Newcastle will write to the Minister for Housing Rose Jackson MLC and the Minister for Planning Paul Scully, within 28 days.
Newcastle Ocean Baths and Canoe Pool - State Heritage Listing
Council supported an alternate notice of motion acknowledging that CN has prudently invested in upgrading the Newcastle Ocean Baths, which are owned by the NSW Government, to protect the facility for generations to come.
All works being undertaken at the Baths are assessed against strict heritage requirements. City of Newcastle will write to the NSW Government reiterating its previous correspondence to the former Minister for Heritage regarding the listing of the site on the State Heritage Register.