Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 May 2021
25 May 2021
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 25 May 2021. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Vera Deacon OAM – Freeman of the City
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) was supported that acknowledged with great sadness the passing of Vera Deacon OAM, Freeman of the City of Newcastle, aged 94 on Sunday, 16 May 2021.
The minute acknowledged that in 2018 City of Newcastle named Mrs Deacon a Freeman of the City for her contribution to Newcastle’s heritage, conservation and local history, as well as her commitment to progressive social and political movements.
Supporting Hunter TAFE Foundation scholarships
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported that acknowledged that the City of Newcastle currently supports students studying at TAFE in Newcastle through the Lord Mayor’s Art Scholarship, funded through the Lord Mayor’s Earthquake Relief Fund and the City of Newcastle Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship, funded through the City of Newcastle People and Culture Directorate, aimed at further supporting the City of Newcastle Aboriginal Employment Strategy.
The minute noted that the Hunter TAFE Foundation scholarships are set to expire, with funding from the Lord Mayor’s Earthquake Relief Fund to be exhausted in 2023, and funding for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship not guaranteed beyond 2021.
The LMM called on Councillors to support the continuation of both the Lord Mayor’s Art Scholarship and the City of Newcastle Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship in perpetuity, to ensure ongoing financial assistance to disadvantaged Novocastrian TAFE Students.
The LMM also noted that the Hunter TAFE Foundation have raised concerns about the ongoing viability of funding the Reg Russom (1887- 1952) Memorial Drawing Prize, which was established in 1955 following the death of renowned Novocastrian artist, Hunter Art School (TAFE) Head Teacher, and Newcastle Herald artist, Reg Russom, and is currently the longest established regional drawing prize in Australia.
The LMM called on Councillors to support exploring opportunities to partner with TAFE NSW, the Newcastle Art Gallery Society, and the Newcastle Herald to ensure the ongoing viability of the Reg Russom Memorial Drawing Prize in perpetuity.
Ordinary Business
Adoption of the Our Budget 2021/22
Councillors voted to adopt the 2021/22 Our Budget and 2021/22 Fees and Charges Register in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (Act).
Adoption of Shortland Local Centre Public Domain and Traffic Plan
Councillors voted unanimously to adopt the Shortland Local Centre Public Domain and Traffic Plan and the Shortland Light Traffic Thoroughfare Plan.
Adoption of the Economic Development Strategy
Councillors voted unanimously to adopt the Economic Development Strategy (2021) following its public exhibition.
Tabling of Register of Disclosures Of Interest - 1 February to 30 April 2021
Councillors noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest (for the period of 1 February to 30 April 2021) by the Chief Executive Officer.
Public Exhibition of draft Wickham Masterplan 2021 update
Councillors resolved to publicly exhibit the draft Wickham Masterplan 2021 update for 28 days.
Variations to Development Standards
Councillors received the report on approved development variations between 1 January and 31 March 2021 in accordance with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s concurrence to vary development standards in the Newcastle Local Environment Plan 2012.
Adoption of heritage amendments to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
Councillors voted unanimously to adopt amendments to the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 to address various heritage matters following public exhibition.
Adoption of the Planning Agreement Policy 2021
Councillors voted to adopt the Planning Agreement Policy 2021.
Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel Temporary Membership
Councillors voted to appoint two temporary City of Newcastle representatives to the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel.
The Director Governance and a planning expert have been appointed as temporary City of Newcastle representatives to the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel for one matter only, being consideration of the rezoning review of 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher.
Hobart Road and Wallarah Road, New Lambton - proposed pedestrian refuges and kerb extensions
Councillors voted to approve pedestrian refuges and median and kerb extensions at the intersection of Hobart Road and Wallarah Road, New Lambton.
Mawson Street, Shortland - proposed traffic calming devices
Councillors voted to approve traffic calming devices on Mawson Street, Shortland.
March Quarterly Performance Report on the 2018 - 2022 Delivery Program
Councillors received the 2018-2022 Delivery Program for the March Quarter, in accordance with the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
March Quarterly Budget Review
Councillors received the March Quarterly Budget Review Statement and voted to adopt the revised budget as detailed therein.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Councillors received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for April 2021, which reports on City of Newcastle’s monthly performance.
Tender report - Biennial Hire of Plant and Equipment 2021/567t
Councillors voted unanimously to accept City of Newcastle’s recommended tenderers for the casual hire of plant (with and without operators), trucks (with and without drivers) and small plant and equipment during a two-year period.
Due to the estimated total value of the contract exceeding $1 million, the Chief Executive Officer's delegation required a resolution of Council to accept the tenders.
Tender report - Supply of Waste Compactor 2021/715t
Councillors voted unanimously to accept City of Newcastle’s recommended tenderer for the supply of a waste compactor for Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
Due to the estimated total value of the contract exceeding $1 million, the Chief Executive Officer's delegation required a resolution of Council to accept the tenders.
Notices of Motion
Lambton Public School traffic
Councillors formally received A Notice of Motion in support of a petition from the Lambton Public School Parents and Citizens’ Association with more than 1,000 signatures expressing concern at a range of local and state traffic issues near Lambton Public School.
Councillors noted that an onsite meeting between representatives from City of Newcastle’s Transport and Compliance team, School Principal, President of the P&C, Department of Education – School Infrastructure, Police, and Transport for NSW would be held in the coming weeks.
Councillors supported referring issues raised in the petition and accompanying correspondence, and actions arising from the onsite meeting to the Newcastle Traffic Committee and Transport for NSW for further investigation and implementation.
Youth Mock Council motions
A Notice of Motion congratulating the City of Newcastle Youth Council and staff for hosting the Youth Mock Council on 29 and 30 April 2021 was supported by Councillors.
22 students from across Newcastle’s high schools participated in the two-day Mock Council to learn more about civic governance in the City of Newcastle.
Councillors noted that the Youth Mock Council developed and unanimously carried three Notices of Motion on issues relevant to young people in Newcastle.
Councillors voted to receive the Youth Mock Council’s motions and refer them onto the relevant Directorates for investigation alongside existing City of Newcastle programs.
Hamilton South Community Playground
A Notice of Motion received by Councillors expressed disappointment in the recent removal of the Hamilton South Community Playground by the NSW Government’s Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC).
Councillors noted that LAHC spent more than $30,000 in removing the playground.
The Notice of Motion also expressed disappointment that the playground will not be replaced or upgraded by the Housing Minister (Minister’s response to Parliamentary Question on Notice 5569).
Councillors voted to unite with the Hamilton South Community, the Lord Mayor and the Member for Newcastle in advocating for a new playground in Fowler/Ogden Street and Neill Terrace Hamilton South.
Councillors supported writing to the Attorney General, as the Acting Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services, seeking his assistance in reviewing and resolving this matter.