Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 October 2022
25 Oct 2022
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 25 October 2022. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Solidarity with women of Iran
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that acknowledged the women, girls and people of Iran protesting against Iran's significant discrimination against women and ongoing egregious human right violations and reaffirms its commitment to leading a just, inclusive, and socially cohesive Newcastle. The Lord Mayoral Minute also acknowledged local community members who arranged a moving protest on 15 October in Newcastle showing their solidarity with the people of Iran, and called on Iran to cease its oppression of women.
Lord Mayor's Scholarships renewal
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that endorsed the request of the University of Newcastle to continue to support disadvantaged students through the Lord Mayor's Scholarship and the Lord Mayor's Women's Scholarship until 2025.
Ordinary business
Tabling of Register of Disclosures of Interest - annual report
Council noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest for the financial year 2021/2022 by the Chief Executive Officer.
Variations to development standards
Council received the report on approved development variations between 1 July 2022 and 30 September 2022 in accordance with the Department of Planning and Environment’s concurrence to vary development standards in the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012.
Exhibition of draft renewal corridors section of Newcastle DCP 2012
Council voted to place the renewal corridor sections of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 for Islington, Mayfield, Hamilton, Broadmeadow and Adamstown on exhibition for a minimum of 28 days and receive a report following the formal exhibition period.
Adoption of Newcastle Heritage Policy
Council voted to lay the Newcastle Heritage Policy on the table so it can be reviewed by the Community and Culture Advisory Committee before coming back to the next ordinary council meeting. The policy outlines City of Newcastle's commitment to heritage conservation by identification, preservation, conservation, celebration and promotion of the city's rich cultural heritage.
Exhibition of Mobile Food Vending (Local Approvals) Policy
Council voted unanimously to place the draft Mobile Food Vending (Local Approvals) Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. During that time council staff will investigate additional sites for food trucks that are not within close proximity of restaurants and cafes. The policy provides a framework for the approval and operation of mobile food vending vehicles in the Newcastle Local Government Area.
Adoption of 2021/22 financial statements
Council voted unanimously to receive and adopt City of Newcastle’s 2021/2022 audited annual financial statements, together with the auditor's report.
Wallarah Road, New Lambton – raised pedestrian crossing
Council voted unanimously to approve the installation of a raised pedestrian crossing with kerb extensions on Wallarah Road New Lambton, including associated lighting upgrades, landscaping and footpath connections.
Bridge Street, Waratah – raised pedestrian crossing
Council voted unanimously to approve the upgrade of the existing children's crossing on Bridge Street Waratah, to a raised pedestrian crossing with kerb extensions, associated lighting upgrades, rain gardens and landscaping, signage and line marking works.
Adoption of Special Rate Expenditure Policy
Council voted unanimously to place the revised Special Business Rate Expenditure Policy on public exhibition for 28 days. The policy provides a framework for City of Newcastle to manage the Special Business Rate (SBR) program.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the executive monthly performance report for September 2022.
Notices of Motion
Submission on the draft Hunter Regional Transport Plan
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion to make a detailed submission to the NSW Government regarding the draft Hunter Regional Transport Plan 2041, which is currently on public exhibition. The submission will address a wide range of issues, such as the lack of public rail transport infrastructure in the western corridor and the importance of public transport in connecting our expanding regional employment, economic, educational, and health nodes.
Newcastle needs a year-round aquatic facility
Council supported a notice of motion to write to Venues NSW seeking confirmation that land will be preserved within the Hunter Park precinct to enable a year-round aquatic facility. Council will also develop and promote a public petition to the NSW Legislative Assembly calling on the NSW Government and Opposition to invest in a new year-round swimming facility in Newcastle.