Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 September 2022
27 Sept 2022
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 27 September 2022. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Honouring the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) was unanimously supported that acknowledged the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 8 September 2022, and honoured Her Majesty’s service to the Commonwealth as the longest serving British monarch.
The LMM acknowledged City of Newcastle’s connection with the throne, following approval in 1947 by King George VI of its elevation to Lord Mayor, the first Australian non-capital city to receive the honour. In addition, the LMM noted Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh visited the City of Newcastle on four occasions, in 1954, 1970, 1977 and 1988.
Council supported writing to King Charles III expressing sincere condolences on behalf of the community of Newcastle and to congratulate him on his ascension to the throne.
NRLW Lord Mayoral Challenge
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) was unanimously supported that congratulated the Newcastle Knights Women's NRL team for progressing to the Grand Final on Sunday 2 October and wishes them the best of luck as they take on the Parramatta Eels.
Council supported hosting a celebratory Civic Reception for the Newcastle Knights NRLW Team at City Hall and accepts the challenge from Cr Donna Davis, Lord Mayor of the City of Parramatta to wear the winning NRL team’s jersey in the Council Chambers at the next Ordinary Council Meeting following the NRLW match.
Ordinary business
Public Exhibition of Our Sustainable Waste Strategy
Council unanimously voted to place the draft Our Sustainable Waste Strategy – Strategic Framework, White Paper and Delivery Plan on public exhibition for 42 days.
Public Exhibition of the draft Harbour Foreshore Masterplan
Council unanimously voted to place the draft Harbour Foreshore Masterplan on public exhibition for a period of four weeks.
Accelerated Development Application System
Council unanimously voted to endorse the Accelerated Development Application System.
Adoption of amendments to the Newcastle Development Control Plan (DCP) 2012
Council voted to adopt amendments to Section 4.02 Bush Fire Protection, Section 4.03 Mine Subsidence, Section 4.04 Safety and Security and Section 7.03 Traffic, Parking and Access of Newcastle DCP. The amendments will become operational from 1 November 2022.
Public Exhibition of draft Planning Agreement for 10 Dangar Street, Wickham
Council unanimously voted to place the draft Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note for 10 Dangar Street, Wickham on public exhibition for 28 days.
Public Exhibition of draft Local Social Strategy
Council voted to place the draft Local Social Strategy 2030 on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days.
Public Exhibition of the draft Social Infrastructure Strategy
Council unanimously voted to place the draft Social Infrastructure Strategy 2022-2026 on public exhibition for a minimum 28 days.
Wilkinson Avenue, Birmingham Gardens - raised pedestrian crossing between Blue Gum Road and King Street
Council unanimously voted to approve the installation of a raised pedestrian crossing with kerb extensions and associated footpath connections on Wilkinson Avenue Birmingham Gardens.
Newcastle Light Rail - Transport Asset Holding Entity land transfer to City of Newcastle
Council voted to approve the transfer of four parcels of land in Hunter, Scott and Merewether Streets, from Transport Asset Holding Entity, allowing for the land to be dedicated as public road.
In addition, Council granted authority to the Chief Executive Officer or his delegate to execute all relevant documentation to affect the transaction.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for August 2022.
Hunter And Central Coast Regional Planning Panel Alternative Memberships
Council unanimously voted to authorise City of Newcastle's CEO in consultation with the Lord Mayor and Councillor representatives to the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel (HCCRPP) to determine staff or independent alternative representatives to the HCCRPP when Councillor appointed representatives or alternative representatives have declared a conflict of interest or conflict of duties or where they are otherwise unavailable to represent CN on the HCCRPP.
Notices of Motion
Residential EV charging
Councillors supported a notice of motion that noted the rapid increase in electric vehicle (EV) ownership in Australia and noted that the NSW and Commonwealth Governments have announced electric vehicle strategies to increase EV ownership.
The motion also notes that a number of Australian local councils are developing strategies to enable at-home charging for properties without off-street parking and that some of these initiatives are being funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency to trial EV charging points on power poles.
Council supported an action to develop an EV policy framework for Newcastle to include within the upcoming Environment Strategy.
EV charging - Adamstown Local Centre
Councillors supported a notice of motion that noted the rapid increase in electric vehicle (EV) ownership in Australia and reiterated Council’s commitment to the upgrade of the Adamstown Local Centre at Brunker Road within CN’s popular local centre upgrade program.
Council supported requesting that public EV charging infrastructure be included as part of the Adamstown Local Centre future upgrade.
Recognition of carers and national carers week
Councillors supported a notice of motion that acknowledged the important role that carers play in our local community and supports the greater recognition and community inclusion of carers in the lead up to National Carers Week (16 to 22 October 2022).
Councillors supported writing to the NSW Minister for Families and Communities, and Minister for Disability Services, the Hon. Natasha Maclaren-Jones MLC, and the Shadow Minister for Disability Inclusion, Kate Washington MP, calling upon the NSW Government to include local government in the next Action Plan (2023-2025) by consulting with Local Government NSW and local councils to develop actions and measurable outcomes aligned to the priorities of the NSW Carers Strategy.
Councillors also supported writing to the Federal Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Amanda Rishworth MP, and the Federal Member for Newcastle, Sharon Claydon MP, advising of the City's support for action by the Federal Government.
Fossil fuel ad ban
Councillors supported the director's recommendation.