Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 July 2020
28 July 2020
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 28 July 2020. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions, please see the Council Meeting Minutes and/or webcast archive for more information.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute to protect the heritage fig trees in Birdwood Park in perpetuity and calling on the NSW Government to abandon their project to create a slip lane on the corner of King Street and Stewart Avenue, was supported.
A Lord Mayoral Minute for City of Newcastle to make a submission to the Inquiry into the integrity, efficacy and value for money of NSW Government grant programs, highlighting the ongoing uncertainty regarding Newcastle’s status, and raising concern about the significant amount of grant funding the City has been deemed ineligible to receive, was supported.
A Lord Mayor Minute to prepare a submission for consideration for the 2021 Infrastructure Priority List publication, outlining projects of significance to the City of Newcastle, and the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Area (as outlined in the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan 2036), was supported.
Ordinary business
Public exhibition of the draft 2025 Climate Action Plan
Council voted to place the draft 2025 Climate Action Plan on public exhibition for 28 days.
Supplementary report - endorsement of amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012 and proposed Planning Agreement - 41 and 47 Throsby Street, Wickham
Council resolved to endorse the amendment to the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan regarding 41 and 47 Throsby Street, Wickham.
Exhibition of draft sections of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council voted to place five draft sections of the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 on public exhibition for 28 days.
Proposed raised crossing and pedestrian refuge at Maitland Road, Mayfield
Council approved the upgrade of the existing pedestrian crossing on Tourle Street at Maitland Road, Mayfield to a raised crossing with a pedestrian refuge and kerb extension.
Proposed pedestrian refuge at Maitland Road, Mayfield
Council approved construction of a pedestrian refuge and kerb extension on Woodstock Street at Maitland Road, Mayfield to improve pedestrian safety at the crossing and mitigate against speeding.
Tender report – No.1 Sportsground upgrade
Council voted to accept a tender for the upgrade of No.1 Sportsground following a competitive tender process.
Tender report - Bathers Way, South Newcastle Beach
Council voted to accept a tender for the Bathers Way, South Newcastle Beach project construction following a competitive tender process.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the executive monthly performance report for June 2020.
Notices of Motion
Renaming City of Newcastle buildings and other features
A notice of motion to develop a culturally appropriate policy regarding the renaming of City of Newcastle buildings or other features was supported. The second part of the motion, called for City of Newcastle to conduct community consultation on the renaming of the “Captain James Cook Memorial Fountain” in Civic Park, was also supported.
Removal of Civic Park fountain plaques
A notice of motion to remove the two Captain James Cook memorial plaques attached to the Civic Park Fountain and reaffirm the principles and actions outlined in City of Newcastle’s 1998 Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Newcastle was included as Part B in the previous notice of motion.
1080, Pindone and pest management review
A notice of motion calling for City of Newcastle to commit to managing invasive animals humanely and phase out the use of poisons that are inhumane or otherwise ineffectual was introduced with council’s recommendation supported.