Summerhill Waste Management Facility Statement
15 Nov 2021
There is no agreement to take any waste from Sydney with Transport for NSW (TfNSW). TfNSW contacted City of Newcastle (CN) in September requesting a meeting to discuss future waste from the Northern Beaches Link project.
At that meeting we explained that in order for any waste to be considered for landfill disposal at the Summerhill Waste Management Facility it must meet our strict requirements set under the EPA’s Waste Classification Guideline for General Solid Waste.
We also stressed that any waste would need to be independently tested to confirm that it meet our strict licensing requirements.
TfNSW undertook from that meeting to come back to us when they knew with more confidence about the make up of the waste. To date we haven’t heard anything more.
A decision regarding the disposal of any material offshore would be made by the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.