City of Newcastle's investment in waste to lock in future affordability
City of Newcastle (CN) has lodged a development application (DA) for its new organics processing facility as part of a plan to locally manage waste from all three kerbside bins, saving millions of dollars on current transport costs.
Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 24 May 2022
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 24 May 2022. NB: It is not a full record of resolutions.
Share your ideas for Waratah Local Centre upgrade
City of Newcastle has begun community consultation with local residents and business owners to understand their views on how to improve safety, parking and public spaces in the Waratah Local Centre area.
City of Newcastle celebrates contribution of dedicated volunteers
More than 300 City of Newcastle volunteers have been recognised for their invaluable contribution to the community as part of National Volunteer Week.
Investment in libraries continues with refurbishment of Wallsend Library ready to begin
An extensive refurbishment of Wallsend Library will deliver an enhanced experience for library members as part of ongoing significant investment into the city’s library network.
Driving towards a future of possibilities
Breaking down barriers faced by newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers on their pathway towards education and employment is the goal of a new initiative being rolled out with City of Newcastle's support.
New ideas for improved public space coming to Darby Street
City of Newcastle is working to enhance the outdoor dining experience along Darby Street while improving safety and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists.
Count Us In festival puts disability inclusion front and centre
More than 30 free events and activities aimed at raising the profile of inclusion in our community will be held over the next two weeks as part of City of Newcastle’s Count Us In festival.
Community views to guide the expansion of Newcastle’s footpaths
Smart technology, along with community insights, are helping to guide the expansion of the city’s footpath network.
Call for community input on proposed new recycling facility at Summerhill
City of Newcastle (CN) is seeking community feedback on its proposal to construct a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) at Summerhill Waste Management Centre.