Virtual Backgrounds
Download one of our spectacular virtual backgrounds and set the scene at your next online meeting.
From the Bogey Hole to Blackbutt Reserve there are eleven stunning images to choose from and they’re all free to download.
Virtual backgounds are suitable for use with Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
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Surrounded by golden sand beaches, and breathtaking coastline Newcastle’s rich history stretches from the city to the suburbs.
The Bogey Hole
An icon of our city and an instagrammers dream. This ocean pool is a popular swimming spot accessible from King Edward Park.
Nobbys Lighthouse
This is an active lighthouse established on Nobbys Head in Newcastle in 1854 to guide vessels into the Hunter River.
Summerhill Solar Farm
Covering an area the size of five football fields on a capped landfill that was once a coal mine, the Summerhill Solar Farm's 14,500 photovoltaic cells are producing 7.5 million-kilowatt hours of renewable electricity each year.
Blackbutt Reserve boardwalk
Blackbutt Reserve holds a special place in the hearts of locals and more than 50 years after opening, remains one of our City's most popular tourist attractions.
Blackbutt Reserve koala
Blackbutt Reserve has a variety of wildlife exhibits including wombats, emus, birds, reptiles and of course koalas.
Civic Theatre
Heritage-listed, the Civic Theatre is the City’s premier venue for live stage productions presenting a year round calendar of events.
Newcastle 500
Newcastle has hosted three Newcastle 500 Supercar events which showcased our spectacular coastline to the world.
Glenrock State Conservation Area
Located only ten minutes drive from Newcastle city centre, Glenrock State Conservation Area offers an astounding array of recreational opportunities.
Nobbys Breakwall
On any given day, Nobbys Breakwall is popular among walkers, joggers, runners and cyclists, offering a spectacular view of our working harbour.
Newcastle Museum
Pictured here illuminated at night, the City's award-winning Newcastle Museum features cutting-edge displays and exhibitions and celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Honeysuckle premises in 2021.
Newcastle Art Gallery
Nationally recognised as one of the finest public collections in Australia, Newcastle Art Gallery is the custodian of over 7,000 works of art valued at $115M.
Hunter Wetlands
Hunter Wetlands is a vibrant wetland ecosystem bursting with life. The site is regarded as a wetland of national and international importance and the centre enjoys a growing reputation for excellence in wetland conservation, education and ecotourism.