Council update Tuesday 26 June 2018
26 June 2018
Following is a summary of the ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 26 June 2018: NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute to explore establishing a City of Newcastle Veteran Employment Program was supported.
Another minute to support the roll out of the NSW Government's Easy to do Business initiative to help small business was supported.
Executive monthly performance report
The usual report was received.
Adoption of 2018/19 Our Budget and fees and charges
Council has adopted the 2018/19 Our Budget and the 2018/19 Fees and Charges Register.
Making of the rates and charges for 2018/19
Council has made its rates and charges for the 2018/19 financial year.
Interest on overdue rates and charges for 2018/19
Council has adopted the rate of 7.5 per cent a year on interest on overdue rates and charges for the 2018/19 rating year.
Making of the rate - Hunter Catchment contribution and commission for the year commencing 1 July 2018
Council has authorised the collection of the Hunter Catchment Contribution at the rate established by NSW Government - Hunter Local Land Services for the 2018/19
Adoption of Donations Program Policy
Council has adopted the Donations Program Policy to ensure Councillors and Council officers comply with Section 356 of the Local Government Act
Public exhibition of the councillor expenses and facilities policy
The draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy will go on public exhibition from 2 July to 29 July 2018.
Adoption of code of meeting practice
Council voted to adopt the revised Code of Meeting Practice.
Adoption of charters for coastal revitalisation, environmental, floodplain risk management and cycling advisory committees
Council adopted charters for the above committees.
Adoption of charters for Disability Inclusion, Guraki and Youth Council Advisory Committees
Council adopted charters for the above committees.
Adoption of the draft Aboriginal Heritage Management strategy
Council has adopted the Aboriginal Heritage Management Strategy 2018-2021 to promote awareness in the development sector of the need to integrate Aboriginal heritage into decision making.
Endorsement of East End Stage One - Streetscape Plan
Council voted to adopt the East End Stage One - Streetscape Plan.
Endorsement of Newcastle 2030 Community Strategic Plan
Council has endorsed the updated Newcastle 2030 Community Strategic Plan.
Notices of Motion
Facilitating the adoption of electricity microgrids in Newcastle
A notice of motion to prepare a report on ways for council to become part of an electricity microgrid was supported.
Community participation plans
A notice of motion for Council officers to provide a presentation on the process for adhering to legislated changes to community participation in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act was supported.