How to donate to the bushfire appeals
06 Jan 2020
Our community rallies in times of need. As the bush fire situation continues nationally, our generous community is asking how they can best donate to people affected by the fires and to our frontline emergency services.
Our hearts go out to those that have endured the tragedy of loss of life and property.
How can you help?
Monetary donations are the best way to help right now, providing more flexibility than the donation of material items.
If you want to do your bit, please make sure you are donating to a registered, reputable charity. Some of these are:
- Australian Red Cross
- NSW Rural Fire Services
- WIRES Emergency Fund (Australian Wildlife Rescue Organsation)
- Beyond Blue
Thank you to all our amazing firefighters and volunteers and to all Novocastrians for their generous support of these bushfire appeals.
How is Council assisting?
In December City of Newcastle committed $1.8m to the construction of a new local emergency operations centre so that various emergency agencies can together coordinate a city wide response to a natural disaster when required.
Our council is ready to assist and we have plant and people available to assist those communities that are either fighting for their lives or dealing with the tragedy of a clean up.
City of Newcastle will be joining with the NSW Government, making its resources available as part of a Bushfire Council Coordination Service offering assistance and support for fire affected local areas.
What if you need help?
There is a range of services available to individuals and communities affected by bushfires. Learn more about the bushfire recovery assistance available.