Rail corridor proposal open for comment
11 Sept 2017
A rezoning proposal for Newcastle's former rail corridor, the next stage of development in the city's multibillion-dollar revitalisation, is now open for public comment.
The proposal outlines a mix of public recreation, tourism, residential and commercial buildings along a 2km stretch of the old heavy rail line between Worth Pl and Watt St.
During the exhibition period, the public can view and comment on land-use zones proposed by council in the corridor in response to last year's rezoning request by the Hunter Development Corporation (HDC).
"The public exhibition period is an important part of ensuring a balance of open space, tourism facilities, and residential and commercial development along the corridor," Newcastle City Council Interim CEO Jeremy Bath said.
"I invite members of the public to have their say by submitting a formal submission through our engagement site, via email or post, or even register to address Council at a public voice session later in the year.
"This is a one-off chance to get the next exciting stage of the city's development right after a record $1 billion worth of building approvals over the past 12 months."
A range of documents will be available for review including a development control plan and draft planning agreement, which complement the planning proposal.
The development control plan details requirements for building design and public domain areas, while the planning agreement contains HDC's contributions to help create parks, affordable housing, transport and other infrastructure.
The documents can be read online, at the King St city administration centre or Newcastle Library.
Community drop-in sessions will be held on Monday 18 September from 6pm to 8pm and the following day from 10am to noon at City Hall.
Council officers will incorporate feedback from the public exhibition period into another report to Council before the end of 2017.
It will address the issues raised and whether amendments should be made.
If approved by council, a request will be made to the Department of Planning to finalise the planning proposal to amend the Local Environment Plan by which Council determines future development applications.