Safety upgrades on the way for Shortland local centre
31 May 2021
A safer, more attractive local centre is on its way for Shortland, with City of Newcastle endorsing the Shortland Local Centre Public Domain and Traffic Plan at the Ordinary Council meeting this week.
The upgrade will improve safety on Sandgate Road with a new pedestrian refuge and reduced driver speeds via the installation of road cushions and implementation of a 40km/hr High Pedestrian Activity Area.
Heavy vehicle traffic will also be reduced in the area, with vehicles weighing over 10 tonnes being redirected to the Newcastle Inner City Bypass. Buses and heavy vehicles with business destinations within Shortland suburb will be unaffected.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said that pedestrian safety in Shortland is a key priority.
“During our earlier rounds of engagement with the community we heard that pedestrian safety at Sandgate Road was a significant concern,” Cr Nelmes said.
“These upgrades are designed to address the community’s concerns and also improve the experience for shoppers and visitors with new footpaths and street furniture also being delivered.”
Ward Four Councillor Jason Dunn affirmed the importance of these upgrades to the local community.
“It was pleasing to see so many community members have their say on the proposed changes, and I’m looking forward to seeing the upgrade be delivered as a result of the community’s feedback,” Councillor Dunn said.
Owner of Shortland’s My Community Pharmacy John Jones said the upgrade is fantastic for Shortland locals.
“It’s great to see Shortland being included in the upgrades being delivered across Newcastle,” Mr Jones said.
“The people of Shortland love supporting their local businesses so it’s a positive that it will be safer to get here with improved accessibility, making it a space we can all be really proud of.
Construction of the upgrades is scheduled to commence in the coming months.
The City has engaged a local artist to work with the community to develop a theme for a new mural installation. The mural project will be delivered in conjunction with construction and the subsequent opening of the upgraded local centre.