Work begins to overhaul Tarro roadway
15 Nov 2017
Newcastle City Council has begun a major works project to improve Tarro's Anderson Drive.
A failing water main that has damaged the road surface will be re-aligned and a footpath constructed to better connect Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School and Tarro Reserve.
"I'm delighted that this project to overhaul the eastern end of Anderson Drive has begun," Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
"Road failures in the westbound lane were caused by the leaking water main, so replacing and relocating it it gives us a chance to improve the amenity of the street with the addition of a footpath on the northern side.
"This will give kids better access to the primary school and Tarro Reserve, and provide motorists and cyclists a smoother roadway that won't decay as quickly as it used to."
Council will first replace a 600m length of failing water main between 21 Anderson Drive and Central Avenue.
Placing the new pipe beneath the eastbound parking lane -- instead of the busy westbound travel lane -- will shore up the road surface and allow street trees to be retained.
A 400m footpath will be built on the northern side of Anderson Drive between Paston Street and the school crossing, which connects with the primary school on the southern side.
A single lane of traffic will remain open during the water main replacement -- expected to be completed early in the New Year -- but on-street parking will be affected.
Parking and access to properties along the eastbound travel lane will also be impacted.
Following the water main relocation, Council will rehabilitate the stretch of roadway from 21 Anderson Drive to Central Avenue.
These rehabilitation works will include reconstruction of some sections of kerb and guttering and road resurfacing and take Council around four months after the completion of the water main works.