Mentoring program gives rise to more tourism experiences in Newcastle
Sourdough making classes, quirky art workshops and sight-seeing bike rides with a twist will be served up to tourists as part of a push to expand Newcastle’s tourism experiences.
New flood study to build flood resilient communities
City of Newcastle has engaged specialists to carry out an updated flood study of the Throsby, Styx, and Cottage Creek catchments, to enhance current floodplain management and mitigate future flood risks.
City’s new civic and community hub and COVID-19 response win state accolades
City of Newcastle has been recognised with two major awards at the New South Wales Local Government Awards in Sydney on Thursday evening.
Community invited to help shape the future of Newcastle coast
City of Newcastle is inviting interested community members to join a working group to help with the development of the City’s Coastal Management Programs.
Community tree planting greens city
The community has joined with City of Newcastle in celebration of World Environment Day by planting 5,500 native grasses, groundcovers, shrubs and trees in Jesmond this week to restore Newcastle’s urban ecosystems.
City of Newcastle brings the compost revolution to the family home
Newcastle households are being given the opportunity to take up home composting and reduce the amount of food waste going to landfill.
City lifeguard’s courageous service recognised with national award
When an 8-year-old girl was swept on her body board out of Newcastle’s Canoe Pool, onto the rocks and into the ocean during 14-foot dangerous swell in January, City of Newcastle lifeguard Mick Body sprang into action.
Safety upgrades on the way for Shortland local centre
A safer, more attractive local centre is on its way for Shortland, with City of Newcastle endorsing the Shortland Local Centre Public Domain and Traffic Plan at the Ordinary Council meeting this week.
Weather warning for Newcastle and Hunter coast
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has predicted high ocean swell for the Newcastle’s coastline
Landmark exhibition showcases art and culture of the Torres Strait
Works of art never before seen outside of the Torres Strait will be displayed in Newcastle as part of a landmark exhibition focusing on the artistic traditions of the Torres Strait Islander culture.