Thousands embrace inaugural New Annual in welcome boost for Newcastle’s arts sector
Newcastle’s inaugural New Annual festival has come to a close after 10 days of events, attracting over 30,000 people to more than 50 events and activities across the city in a showcase of Newcastle’s arts and cultural community.
Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 February 2021
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 23 February 2021.
Love Our Coast survey now open
Newcastle's coastline is precious to locals and visitors alike, and through a new survey, City of Newcastle is looking to explore what the community loves about our beaches and what people do while they are there.
Shortland local centre upgrade plans out for feedback
City of Newcastle is calling for community feedback on a proposal to improve safety for pedestrians and amenity of the local centre in Shortland.
Action on Wallsend flooding as space made for stormwater channel widening
City of Newcastle is taking further steps to facilitate works to mitigate flooding in the Wallsend town centre with tenders called to demolish the vacant building next to Nelson Street bridge, which will allow the future widening of Hunter Water’s Ironbark Creek stormwater channel.
Volunteer guides back in action for New Annual
Dedicated City of Newcastle volunteers have hit the streets for the first time since COVID-19 to offer a welcoming point of contact for visitors during the New Annual festival.
City launches first one-stop-shop for grant funding
City of Newcastle is making it easier for the community to access more than 1,000 grant funding opportunities through a new online service, Newcastle Grant Finder.
Concept for new Foreshore Park open for feedback
City of Newcastle is seeking community feedback on a new concept for Foreshore Park which sees the site’s community playspace increase by almost eight times.
Plan for $1.5 million sports play hub in Wallsend now open for community feedback
Construction of a $1.5 million active hub in Wallsend is expected to get underway mid-year, with the concept design for the project now open for community feedback.
New Annual brings city to life with busy opening weekend of cultural events
City of Newcastle’s inaugural festival of arts and culture will officially get underway today with a mix of live music, quirky theatrics and thought-provoking visual and performing art.