East End
The long-term vision for the East End Village is to reinstate Hunter Street as a traditional high street and an attractive destination for locals and visitors, with outdoor dining and boutique retail opportunities.
The East End Public Domain Plan - Phases 1 and 2 are based on the East End Streetscape Plan, adopted in 2018 covering Hunter Street Mall and adjoining streets, with an additional upgrade for streets around the Mall approved by the elected Council in May 2020.
CURRENT - Phase 2
Work has now commenced on Phase 2. Valued at approximately $1.9 million, this second phase will focus on a section of Hunter Street bound by Perkins and Brown Streets, as a key pedestrian and cyclist entry point to the East End Village
The streetscape will be improved with new trees and landscaping, and we're currently realigning the road from Brown Street, including relocating and upgrading underground services.
Daracon have been awarded a tender to start works in another section of the Hunter Street Mall on the next multi-million dollar stage of the East End Village revitalisation project. These works will revitalise the streetscape on Hunter Street between Thorn and Wolfe Streets, and on Wolfe Street between King and Scott Streets.
Brown Street, Newcastle Night works construction and update of pedestrian access. | We are completing the installation of critical infrastructure with:
Some of these works will need to be completed as night works due to Transport of NSW requirements. Access remains for businesses during this time, however there will be temporary changes to pedestrian and vehicle access in the area. Traffic control and signage will be in place to assist safe movement around the site. This location has many underground utilities located in close proximity. Our crews are working hard to expedite the work to reopen the site as soon as possible. |
Hunter Street and Wolfe Street, Newcastle Tree planting | This next stage of the Hunter Street Mall revitalisation will deliver new multi-function street lighting, upgraded street furniture, and fresh landscaping will transform the look and feel of the area with a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees to enhance the character and biodiversity of the street. Our crews will be onsite soon to start working in the area to refresh landscaping and plant trees. There will be some temporary traffic changes while we deliver these upgrades. Traffic control will be onsite to assist pedestrians and vehicles moving through the area. |
Artist impressions Phase 2
Phase 2: Looking west along Hunter Street, from the Perkins Street intersection.
Phase 2: Looking east along Hunter Street, from the Brown Street intersection.
Phase 2: Looking down Hunter Street toward Wolfe Street.
COMPLETE - Phase 1
Phase one of the East End Village revitalisation project was completed in 2022. We invested $5 million in this first stage, which targeted the block bound by Hunter Street, Wolfe Street, King Street and Perkins Street. The upgrade delivered new paving, landscaping and public amenity improvements in and around Hunter Street Mall.
Intersection of Wolfe Street and Hunter Street.
Future Phases – IN DESIGN
Remaining phases along Hunter Street will follow, with design already underway. These include upgrades on Laing Street, Market Street and potential for Melbourne lane-way style development closing Keightley Street to through traffic.
Plans for the development of the Harbour to Cathedral view corridor linking the Christ Church Cathedral to Newcastle Harbour, may also inform future works.
View the City Centre Project Updates for more information and visit our Works Page to stay up to date with construction progress.