Ward 3 Councillors

Councillor Mark Brooker (IND)

First elected in 2024


Membership on CN Committees: 

Access Inclusion Advisory Committee - Member

Guraki Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Member

Strategy and Innovation Advisory Committee - Member


Membership on External Committees: 

HCCRPP Alternate Delegates - Member

E: mbrooker@ncc.nsw.gov.au 

Mark Brooker was first elected to Council in September 2024. He is proud to have stood independently been elected without party affiliation.

Mark has lived and worked in Newcastle and the Hunter for more than 30 years, and in Ward 3 in particular since 2007.  

As the publisher of a monthly community newspaper, The Local, which serves a number of the suburbs making up Ward 3, Mark has been a committed and passionate advocate for his community.

Prior to commencing his own publication in 2014 Mark enjoyed a career spanning more than 20 years in media sales and general management with some of Australia’s largest regional newspaper publishers. 

Councillor Sinead Francis-Coan (GRN)

First elected in 2024


Membership on CN Committees: 

Community and Culture Advisory Committee - Member

Youth Council (Advisory Committee) - Member

Access Inclusion Advisory Committee - Deputy Chairperson


Membership on External Committees: 

HCCRPP Alternate Delegates - Member

E: sfranciscoan@ncc.nsw.gov.au

Sinéad is a postgraduate in leisure and tourism studies and a lover of performing and creative arts. Sinéad works as a union organiser for the National Tertiary Education Union, is a branch secretary for the United services Union and a member of the Hunter Workers Women’s Commitee. 

Sinéad campaigns for the environment, workers, women, refugees, First Nations rights, housing, live performance, youth, community and justice.

 Sinéad spearheaded a number of high-profile campaigns including the campaign to save the Tower Cinemas. Sinéad is a published freelance writer and an accredited mediator. 

Sinéad has served as Membership Officer for the NSW Greens for two terms and more broadly served on the NSW Greens Committee of Management for four terms.

Councillor Peta Winney-Baartz (ALP)
First elected in 2017

E: pwinneybaartz@ncc.nsw.gov.au

Membership on CN Committees: 
Infrastructure Strategic Advisory Committee - Chair
Public Art Standing Committee - Member
Guraki Aboriginal Standing Committee - Member

Membership on External Committees:
HCCRPP Alternate Delegates - Member
Fort Scratchley Historical Society Incorporated - Member
Hunter Sports Centre Incorporated - Member

Peta is a proud Novocastrian living, working, and raising her four children locally, alongside her partner Alister.


She is an Educator with over 25 years’ experience in the Family/Youth sector. Peta sits on the Board of Hunter Homeless Connect and Hunter Rugby and is passionate about all things ‘Newcastle”.


She works closely with many local organisations and advocates for all and is particularity interested in the provision of facilities and services for local community groups.


Peta is particularly driven to engage young people and make sure they are heard while ensuring that we have a thriving, activated and amazing place to live!