Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
The objective of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (Committee) is to provide independent assurance to CN by monitoring, reviewing and providing advice about the CN's governance processes, compliance, risk management and control frameworks, external accountability obligations and overall performance.
The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee provides a reporting forum for internal and external auditors.
The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meets at least four times per year including a special meeting to review the CN's Financial Statements. Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee business is confidential and meetings are closed to the general public.
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee responsibilities are contained in the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Charter (pdf), adopted by Council 25 June 2024.
Councillor members of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee are:
- Cr Callum Pull (non-voting member)
- Cr Joel Pringle (non-voting observer)
Independent members of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee are:
- Stephen Coates (Audit Chair)
- Vivek Chopra
- Robert Lagaida
Annual Reports to Council
The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee submits an annual report to Council on its affairs and the management of risk and internal controls.
2022/2023 Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report
2020/2021 Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report
2019/2020 Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report
2018/2019 Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report
2017/2018 Audit and Risk Committee and Internal Audit Report
2016/2017 Audit Committee and Internal Audit Annual Report
2015/2016 Audit Committee and Internal Audit Annual Report
2014/2015 Audit Committee and Internal Audit Annual Report
2013/2014 Audit Committee and Internal Audit Annual Report
Strategic Workplan
The Strategic Workplan sets out the program for the Committee for the following four-year period based on the following:
- Responsibilities of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
- Governance Framework
- Enterprise Risk Framework
- Internal Audit Charter
The Strategic Workplan consists of the Committee calendar of business; and 4 year forward internal audit plan.