Share your ideas for Georgetown local centre upgrade
30 Nov 2021
City of Newcastle has begun community consultation with local residents and business owners to understand views on safety, parking and public spaces in the Georgetown Local Centre area.
Earlier this year the elected Council resolved to initiate an upgrade of the Georgetown town centre.
Following input from the community, a public domain plan will be developed in 2022 to guide the revitalisation of the area.
City of Newcastle Acting Director Infrastructure and Property Joanne Rigby said the future upgrade aims to create a more accessible, attractive and safe local centre for the growing neighbourhood of Georgetown.
"Our public domain plan will upgrade the streetscape and access to shops, and will also improve traffic and safety," Ms Rigby said.
"Our upgrades often include new footpaths, trees and street furniture – so we are looking forward to hearing feedback from the community about what locals would like to see."
“A major component of City of Newcastle’s local centre upgrades includes drainage improvements. We also look to partner with businesses to beautify the local shop fronts through the Façade Improvement Scheme.
“This project aims to attract more people to visit and spend time at the local centre and will benefit the growing number of young families living in the suburb.
Once developed, a draft public domain plan will go on public exhibition. The plan will be finalised based on community feedback and will go to the elected Council for approval, ahead of construction in the coming years.
The planned upgrade at Georgetown follows similar local centre upgrades at Carrington, Beresfield, Joslin Street in Kotara, Llewellyn Street in Merewether, James Street Plaza in Hamilton, and the upgrades currently under construction in Stockton and Shortland.
Have your say via the online survey at newcastle.nsw.gov.au/yoursay before 13 December.