Stockton Works Updates


In response to several severe weather events, emergency works were commenced to protect sections of the Stockton coastline most at risk of further erosion as we work through the development of a long-term strategy for Stockton Beach.

This work is ongoing and the Stockton community is provided with regular updates on the progress and status of this work. You can sign-up to the mailing list to receive this update by email.

The project map below outlines the most recent work at Stockton. You can also view a larger version of the map here.

Recent works

You can find out more about repairs to the King Street breakwater and the new protection structures at the southern end of the Mitchell Street seawall.

Care for our dunes

We love our coast, but the continued use of closed access ways and jumping fences to walk over dunes is damaging Stockton’s coastline. Vandalism, including intentional damage to rock bags unnecessarily puts our coastline at risk. Please respect work crews and follow any directional signage to help protect our coastline.

Beach scraping

We undertake a regular program of beach scraping at Stockton Beach to help increase local dune resilience. This is an important part of our coastal management activities prior to the delivery of mass sand nourishment. Read more about beach scraping in the Beach Scraping Information Sheet.