Your General Waste Bin
You can use your red lid bin for:
- Food and kitchen scraps
- Clothing, shoes, linen and toys1
- Kitchen crockery and glassware1, including drinking tumblers, wine glasses and toughened glass, such as Pyrex (wrap first)
- Mirrors and window/windscreen glass and light bulbs2 (wrap first)
- Takeaway coffee cups
- Soft plastics, such as bread bags, mail satchels, cling wrap and frozen food packaging3
- Polystyrene foam
- Nappies, sanitary and incontinence products
- Animal droppings and kitty litter
- Dust/ashes (wrap or bag first)
- General bric-a-brac1.
1 Consider donating or selling items—such as clothing, kitchenware and toys—that are in good, usable condition.
2 Light globes can be recycled at the Summerhill Community Recycling Centre and at select Community Recycling Stations.
3 Clean, soft plastic packaging can be recycled at many supermarkets or through our Sort & Save service at Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
Don't place these items in your red lid bin:
- Asbestos and other hazardous materials
- Chemicals, paint and oil
- Batteries
- Appliances and electronic waste (e-waste)
- Polystrene (EPS foam)
- Heavy and bulky items, such as furniture, bricks and concrete
- Sharps and medicines, such as syringes and expired medications
- Household recyclables (use your yellow lid bin)
- Garden waste, such as leaves, grass clippings, twigs and prunings (use your green lid bin).