Information Guide

Part A - Introduction

Why do we have an Information Guide?

As a local council, City of Newcastle (CN) is an ‘agency’ for the purposes of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) (GIPA Act).

Under the GIPA Act, we publish this Information Guide to provide information about our structure and functions;

  • The kinds of information we hold and make available to the community;
  • How the community can access information held by CN; and
  • How the community can participate in the formulation of our policies and exercise of functions.

We are committed to meeting the objectives of the GIPA Act and priorities of our Newcastle 2040:

4 Achieving Together

4.2 Trust and Transparency

4.2.1 Genuine engagement

4.2.2 Shared information and celebration of success

4.2.3 Trusted Customer Experience

Part B - Structure

About Us
Who are our elected Council?
What is the role of our elected Council?
What is the role of our Lord Mayor?
What happens at Council Meetings?
What is the role of our CEO?
Organisation Structure
Functions of Council

Part C - How to access our information

What kinds of information do we hold?
What are the ways you can access CN information?
What is Open data?
What is the role of the NSW Information Commissioner?

Part D - Community engagement with CN

Why do we consult?
How do we consult?
How else can you stay connected?

Part E - Feedback and Further Information

If you would like to provide feedback on CN’s Information Guide - Contact Us - City of Newcastle (

You can also obtain further information about the GIPA Act by contacting the NSW Information and Privacy Commission (IPC):

Go to:    


Call:                 1800 472 679

You can obtain further information about local government by contacting the Office of Local Government (OLG):

Go to:   


Call:               02 4428 4100