- Development Applications
- Development Information for the Community
Building and Construction
Building and Development Information Guides
- Advertising Signage
- Air Conditioning
- Asbestos
- Boarding Houses and Co-living
- Building Height Explained
- Carport
- Change of Use
- Demolition
- Fences
- Fire Places - Domestic Oil and Solid Fuel Heating
- Garage
- Home Based Commercial Enterprises (HBCE)
- Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF)
- Lead Paint
- Mobile Business
- Owner Builders
- Pollution Signs
- Retaining Wall
- Secondary Dwellings - Granny Flats
- Shed
- Shipping Containers
- Short Term Rental Accommodation
- Studio
- Solar Panels
- Subdivision
- Swimming Pool/ Spa
- Temporary Events and Uses on Private Land
- Tiny Houses
- Construction Certificates
- Driveway Inspection Request
- Fire Safety
- Flood Certificates
- Principal Certifier, Building Inspections and Occupation Certificates
- Road Naming
- S10.7 Planning Certificates
- Street Numbering
- Swimming Pool Requirements
Building and Development Information Guides
- Strategic Land Use Planning
- Development / Building and Construction / Building and Development Information Guides / Pollution Signs
City of Newcastle has compulsory environmental awareness sign for all building sites.
The requirement to erect and maintain the sign is a condition of all Development Applications that involve construction or building work, including:
- new dwellings,
- unit developments,
- shop fit-outs,
- swimming pools, and
- additions and alterations.
The sign must be erected in a conspicuous location on or adjacent to the property boundary so it is clearly visible to the public. It aims to increase builders’ and sub-contractors’ awareness of their legal responsibilities to prevent water pollution, and at the same time increase public vigilance in reporting pollution incidents.
The sign can be obtained by presenting your Development Application receipt to:
- City of Newcastle's Customer Enquiry Counter - 12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West
- Wallsend Library - 30 Bunn Street, Wallsend
- Newcastle Master Builders Association (MBA) - 165 Lambton Road, Broadmeadow
- Housing Industry Association (HIA) Newcastle - 17 Murray Dwyer Circuit, Mayfield West.
For further information please phone CN's Contact Centre on (02) 4974 2000.