Supporting Strategies and Plans
Here is a list of our supporting strategies and plans. This list is split into different types of plans for ease.
Supporting Strategies - Sets the overall long-term goals or outcomes CN wants to achieve, directly linked to the themes and priorities in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP).
Plans - Translates strategic priorities from the CSP or a Strategy into actions and identified accountability for delivery as well as measurements to measure performance.
Management Plans - Formal planning tool to design the future operations of a facility. It outlines what are we trying to achieve, how will we achieve it and evaluation methods used to measure performance.
Plans of Management and Masterplans - Determines and guides the future management of a place such as a park, sportsground or bushland reserve.
Public Domain Plans and Technical Manuals - Detailed plans and specifications to deliver works.
Any questions, please contact Corporate Planning and Performance via 02 4974 2000.
To view our highest level tier strategies (Informing Strategies) please visit - Informing Strategies
- 1. Supporting Strategies
- 2. Plans linked to Strategies
- 3. Management Plans
- 4. Plans of Management (POMS) and Masterplans
- 5. Public Domain Plans and Technical Manuals
Aboriginal Employment Strategy 2022-2025 The City of Newcastle Aboriginal Employment Strategy (2022-2025) outlines key priorities and actions to be delivered by CN in its commitment to investing in Aboriginal employment and economic development for the Aboriginal community of Newcastle. | 27/2/2024 |
Asset Management Strategy 2022-2032 The Asset Management Strategy establishes the framework that determines the nature and direction of Council's asset management and is based on the process of determining the services needed by a community and delivering them in a sustainable manner. | 4/6/2018 |
Community Engagement Strategy 2023-2026 Our Community Engagement Strategy 2023 - 2026 provides a framework for how City of Newcastle will engage with the community to support the development of its plans, policies, programs and key activities. | 7/3/2024 |
Economic Development Strategy 2021-2025 the City of Newcastle's Economic Development Strategy offers a transformative perspective to economic development with a deliberate people-centred and place-led approach. Our view is that the success of our local and regional economy is built on the talent, skills and ingenuity of our people. | 25/3/2024 |
Fern Bay and North Stockton Strategy April 2020 The Strategy guides future development and ensures sufficient community infrastructure is provided for the growing community. | 27/4/2020 |
Heritage Strategy 2020-2030 The Heritage Strategy is a strategic framework to guide City of Newcastle’s (CN) approach to the management of heritage matters in the Newcastle local government area over the next ten years. | 6/11/2020 |
Inland Pools Strategy 2043 Our plan for protecting and improving Newcastle's public pools for the next 20 years. | 23/5/2023 |
Live Music Strategy 2019-2023 The overall aim of this strategy is to support a vibrant and sustainable live music sector in Newcastle. | 2/5/2019 |
Local Strategic Planning Statement - Implementation Plan Local Strategic Planning Statement - Implementation Plan | 25/9/2020 |
Newcastle Biodiversity Strategy The Newcastle Biodiversity Strategy provides a clear policy statement about the value and our approach to the City’s biodiversity. | 27/7/2015 |
Newcastle Employment Lands Strategy 2019 This document provides a comprehensive Employment Lands Strategy for Newcastle Local Government Area. | 1/9/2015 |
Newcastle Environment Strategy 2023 Providing a roadmap of how CN will achieve the sustainability priorities of Newcastle 2040 over the next 10 years. | 25/3/2024 |
Newcastle Local Housing Strategy The Newcastle Local Housing Strategy 2020 sets a vision for the provision of housing across the Newcastle Local Government Area over the next 20 years. | 27/11/2020 |
Newcastle Transport Strategy Transport is a shared responsibility across all levels of government. Council has a role to play in contributing to better social, health and environmental outcomes for the Newcastle community, through its decisions and actions on transport matters. | 20/4/2016 |
Parkland and Recreation Strategy The Parkland and Recreation Strategy has been developed to guide the sustainable provision of parkland and recreation facilities for current and future communities. | 27/7/2015 |
Parkland and Recreation Strategy - Background and Appendices The Parkland and Recreation Strategy Background and Appendices contains the background and supporting information that was used to prepare the strategy. | 27/7/2015 |
Smart City Strategy 2017 - 2021 The Smart City Strategy (2017-2021) is a four year framework outlining the key priorities and actions to be delivered by Council in its commitment to leading Newcastle's transition to a smart and innovative city. | 23/8/2017 |
Social Strategy (2030) The Social Strategy (2030) provides a framework for CN and the community to remove barriers to inclusion and equal opportunity; encourage community connection and participation; celebrate our rich social and cultural diversity; and strengthen community health and wellbeing. In working towards this mission, we aim to achieve the vision of a socially just and inclusive place for all. | 25/3/2024 |
Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Commitment City of Newcastle acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in this Council area Awabakal and Worimi, were the first peoples of this land, and are the proud survivors of more than two hundred years of continuing dispossession. | 16/7/2015 |
Climate Action Plan 2021-2025 The Climate Action Plan covers both the City of Newcastle's operations and Newcastle as a whole, and sets a framework to accelerate emission reduction across the City through a suite of sensible and prudent actions and initiatives. | 15/2/2021 |
Community Participation Plan Community participation refers to the level or degree to which the community is involved in planning and decision making. | 26/11/2020 |
Cycling Plan 2021-2030 Newcastle aspires to be a smart, liveable and sustainable global city. Changing how we travel is a critical part of this. More cycling - and walking - benefits everyone. | 4/3/2021 |
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 Through the Disability Inclusion Action Plan, City of Newcastle commits to advocate for the equal rights of all and improve the accessibility and inclusiveness of our city and community. | 19/3/2024 |
Dogs in Open Space Plan The Dogs in Open Space Plan (the Plan) will guide the provision, improvement and management of dog off leash areas over the next 10 years. This includes the development of strategically located fenced dog parks. | 11/4/2019 |
Hunter Estuary Management Study An Estuary Management Plan for the Hunter Estuary has been developed on behalf of Newcastle, Maitland and Port Stephens Councils and the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change to guide long term sustainable management of the estuary and its surrounding environments. | 27/7/2015 |
Newcastle Destination Management Plan 2021-2025 The Newcastle Destination Management Plan outlines the Newcastle tourism industry’s priorities for the period of 2021-2025. | 28/4/2021 |
Newcastle Urban Forest Technical Manual This Technical Manual contributes to Newcastle's urban forest by providing guidance on the management of trees (including shrubs) on both public and private land within the Newcastle Local Government Area. The Manual is an accompaniment to the Newcastle Development Control Plan Section 5.03 Vegetation Management. | 16/3/2018 |
Parking Plan 2021-2030 City of Newcastle's Parking Plan - On the street, recognises the need for better engagement and for transparent, evidence-based decision making. Actions over the short to medium term focus on more efficient utilisation of existing spaces and improving the knowledge base and policy framework for parking decisions. | 4/3/2021 |
Pesticides use Notification Plan 2018 This pesticides use notification plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Pesticides Act 1999 No.80 (The Act), the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) and the Pesticides Regulation 2009 (the Regulation). | 25/7/2018 |
Reconciliation Action Plan 2021-2024 City of Newcastle remains committed to the principles and actions outlined in its 1998 Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Newcastle. | 25/3/2024 |
Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan This Plan applies to additional private residential development outside the Western Corridor and commences on 1 January 2022. | 25/3/2024 |
Section 7.11 Western Corridor Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan - Updated 2020 The Western Corridor is an urban release area centred on the localities of Minmi, Fletcher and Maryland in the Western Part of the Newcastle Local Government Area (LGA). | 10/7/2020 |
Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan This Plan applies the whole Local Government Area and replaces the current Section 7.12 Plan 2019 from 1 January 2022. | 19/3/2024 |
Strategic Sports Plan The objective of the Strategic Sports Plan is to address future demand, and inform the ongoing supply, maintenance and upgrade of sporting infrastructure with consideration to current and future needs of the community. | 14/12/2020 |
Street Tree Selection Manual Street trees are ‘multipurpose’ infrastructure providing numerous benefits and are the most significant form of vegetation used in the public urban landscape – as such they are amongst Newcastle’s most important public assets. | 27/7/2015 |
Summary - Workforce Management Plan 2013-2018 The aim of the Workforce Management Plan is to ensure Council's workforce meets the Newcastle 2030 Community Strategic Plan objectives. | 16/7/2015 |
Blackbutt Reserve Vegetation Management Plan Vegetation within Blackbutt Reserve is generally in excellent condition although it is subject to external pressure; recreational demand; and has been subjected to significant previous disturbance. | 27/7/2015 |
City Hall Conservation Management Plan A draft of the Newcastle City Hall Conservation Management Plan (CMP) was completed for City of Newcastle by the Department of Public Works and Services in 2001. In 2008 the Heritage Group within the NSW Government Architect’ s Office was commissioned to review the 2001 Draft CMP to produce this updated document. | 27/7/2015 |
Coal River Conservation and Tourism Management Plan With its Indigenous associations the Coal River Precinct is a true ‘birthplace’ site. Its land, buildings and subterranean remains concentrate elements of the Newcastle story from pre-history through the first hundred and fifty years of European settlement and beyond. | 27/7/2015 |
Companion Animal Management Plan 2004 City of Newcastle was instrumental in developing the first Companion Animal Management Plan in NSW. | 27/7/2015 |
EEO Management Plan 2013-2017 The City of Newcastle is committed to the development of a culture that is supportive of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) principles in the workplace. As an organisation, Council is committed to the following EEO Principles as outlined in the Local Government Act 1993 (section 344) | 27/7/2015 |
Fort Scratchley Historical Site - Heritage Management Plan This Heritage Management Plan seeks to provide the basis for decision-making regarding the heritage conservation and ongoing management of Fort Scratchley including a review of options for future use of the site, including buildings and other structures on the site specifically, and the site generally. | 27/7/2015 |
Hunter Estuary Coastal Zone Management Plan - Revised December 2017 This Estuary Management Plan is to guide future decision making regarding short and long term management of the Hunter estuary, its foreshores and its broader catchment area. | 5/4/2018 |
Newcastle Airshed Action Management Plan Newcastle Airshed Action Management Plan | 27/7/2015 |
Newcastle Archeological Management Plan Initial fieldwork indicated that about 75-80% of the allotments in the city centre have the potential to retain an archaeological resource from earlier developments, that is perhaps some 5000 allotments. | 27/7/2015 |
Newcastle Coastal Zone Management Plan 2018 Part A Stockton and Part B Coastline South of the Harbour | 9/8/2018 |
Newcastle Coastline Management Plan The Newcastle Coastline Management Plan provides City of Newcastle with an integrated management planning framework that provides for a balance between the long term use of the coastline and its conservation. | 27/7/2015 |
Newcastle Destination Management Plan 2021-2025 The Newcastle Destination Management Plan outlines the Newcastle tourism industry’s priorities for the period of 2021-2025. | 28/4/2021 |
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Under the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 The City of Newcastle (Council) is responsible for the management and control of weeds on all land that is under Council’s care and control. In order to meet this requirement, Council implements an integrated weed management approach for the removal and control of weeds. | 27/7/2015 |
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan - Summerhill Waste Management Centre The Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) applies to all personnel, visitors, contractors at the Summerhill Waste Management Centre. | 6/12/2019 |
Privacy Management Plan The purpose of this Plan is to provide information about how City of Newcastle (CN) collects, stores, retains, accesses, discloses and disposes personal and health information. | 26/4/2023 |
Stormwater Management Plan The Newcastle Stormwater Management Plan identifies that concrete drains and channels have replaced extensive areas of natural creek and drainage systems in Newcastle. | 27/7/2015 |
Summary - Workforce Management Plan 2013-2018 The aim of the Workforce Management Plan is to ensure Council's workforce meets the Newcastle 2030 Community Strategic Plan objectives. | 16/7/2015 |
Adamstown Park Masterplan 2023 The Masterplan has been developed to guide the future vision and renewal of local infrastructure over the next 15 years. It aims to develop a flexible multi-use precinct to meet recreation and sporting needs of the surrounding community. | 19/3/2024 |
Beresfield Golf Course This plan of management is an important document providing clear guidelines for the future management of land in the care and control of Council. | 27/7/2015 |
Blackbutt Reserve POM As the 'green heart' of Newcastle, Blackbutt Reserve has an important role to play in supporting the community’s vision of a smart, liveable and sustainable city... where we will celebrate our unique city and protect our natural assets. (Newcastle 2030) | 27/7/2015 |
Bushlands Plans of Management The plan of management is an important document providing clear guidelines for the effective management of land in the care and control of Council. The rationale for this Plan lies jointly in the statutory requirements of the Local Government Act 1993 and City of Newcastles desire to produce a consistent and effective set of guidelines governing the management of community land. | 27/7/2015 |
Carrington Greenspace Masterplan The Carrington Greenspace Masterplan aims to develop a cohesive plan of action to improve recreation, amenity and social opportunities for the Carrington community. | 9/12/2020 |
Coastal Plan of Management 2015 This POM applies to the coastal public land being public spaces spanning the eleven (11) kilometre coastline from Stockton Beach in the north to Merewether Beach in the south, within Newcastle Local Government Area (LGA). | 29/9/2015 |
Crown Lands Plan of Management 2023 This Plan of Management is a generic plan which covers all Crown land where CN is the appointed Crown land Manager. | 11/3/2024 |
Foreshore Plan of Management 2015 This Plan of Management has been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, the Crown Lands Act 1989, and other legislation, as well as with relevant Council plans and policies. It is divided into 6 sections. | 15/10/2015 |
Fort Scratchley Plan of Management Arguably Newcastle’s most spectacular vantage point, Fort Scratchley Historic Site commands a significant position overlooking the Hunter River Estuary, coastline and Nobbys Headland. | 27/7/2015 |
General Community Use Plan of Management This Plan of Management is an important document providing clear guidelines for the future management of land in the care and control of Council. | 23/3/2016 |
Glendore Community Facility This plan of management provides a clear direction for the management and use of land at 2 and 6 Glendore Parade, Maryland, in the care and control of Council. | 27/7/2015 |
Gregson Park Adopted Masterplan The final PoM for Gregson Park adopted by City of Newcastle on 23 November 2021 is essentially the same as the Draft PoM that was exhibited. The only minor change made was to retain the Sportsground category over the southern section of the western tennis court in line with a recommendation of the public hearing report. This minor change does not require re-exhibition of the Plan of Management under the Local Government Act 1993. | 3/2/2022 |
Heritage Plans and Places of Management City of Newcastle will make economic and cultural planning and development decisions based on the principle that heritage places are integral to the city's identity and contribute a rich resource with which to shape the future. | 3/2/2022 |
National Park National Park is one of Newcastle’s largest and oldest sportsgrounds and open space reserves, covering over 20 hectares at Union and Parry Streets in Newcastle West. | 27/7/2015 |
Neighbourhood Parks Plan of Management The plan of management is an important document designed to provide clear guidelines for the effective management of land and facilities in the care and control of Council. | 27/7/2015 |
Newcastle Coastal Revitalisation Masterplan Final - September 2010 Newcastle Coastal Revitalisation Masterplan | 22/8/2018 |
Newcastle Cultural Precinct Concept Masterplan City of Newcastle recognises that its existing cultural institutions are of national significance. The Newcastle Cultural Precinct Concept Masterplan provides a framework for planned and activated public domain that contributes to the social fabric, liveability and local character within the precinct and ensures long-term planning for the protection of the City's cultural institutions. | 22/11/2022 |
Newcastle Harbour Foreshore Masterplan The Masterplan creates a blueprint to reinvigorate the Foreshore Precinct within Newcastle's East End, including a new inclusive playspace. | 1/2/2023 |
Playgrounds Plan of Management The Playgrounds Plan of Management deals with playgrounds owned or controlled by Council and applies specifically to playground equipment and associated facilities like seats and shelters and the land within 2.0 metres of these facilities. | 27/7/2015 |
Smith Park Masterplan 2024 A Masterplan for Smith Park to optimise field layout and improve provision for cricket, football and touch / Oztag incorporating upgrades to the fields and amenities under actions from the Strategic Sports Plan. | 8/4/2024 |
Sportlands Plan of Management This Plan of Management should be read in conjunction with two other Council documents; The Sports Policy; which provides the values, goals strategic directions, and position statements related to sport and the management of sports infrastructure, and the Recreation Service Plan which determines the priorities for resourcing. | 27/7/2015 |
Stevenson Park Masterplan The purpose of the Masterplan is to provide a framework for the development of a new playground concept for Stevenson Park located in Mayfield West park over the next 10 years. | 29/11/2019 |
Wallsend Brickworks Park Plan of Management This Plan of Management is an important document providing clear guidelines for the future management of land in the care and control of Council. | 27/7/2015 |
Wickham Masterplan 2021 Update (July 2022) The Wickham Masterplan 2021 Update (July 2022) provides revised strategic guidance for City of Newcastle' planning decisions and delivery of coordinated urban renewal outcomes for Wickham. | 25/3/2024 |
Bathers Way Public Domain Plan Bathers Way Public Domain Plan | 19/5/2016 |
Merewether Beach Reserves Merewether Beach is a landmark of the Hunter Region’s coastline. It is both a suburban beach and an icon in the international surfing fraternity, with the latter recognised in the international professional surfing contest of ‘Surfest’. | 27/7/2015 |
Merewether Beach Reserves Public Domain Plan The study area encompasses Merewether Beach and the streets, walkways and open spaces most closely associated with the beach and facilities, from the northern end of John Parade, to the southern edge of the ocean baths. | 27/7/2015 |
South Stockton Reserves Public Domain Plan - May 2012 The South Stockton Reserves Public Domain Plan builds on the recommendations of the Newcastle Coastal Revitalisation Strategy (Sept 2010), and provides a framework for public domain improvements, and to investigate possible expansion of commercial activities in the public lands and facilities at the southern end of the Stockton Peninsula. | 10/5/2019 |
Wickham Public Domain Plan, December 2023 The Wickham Public Domain Plan provide guidance for developers, City of Newcastle and other bodies carrying out public domain works in Wickham, delivering on the vision and objectives for Wickham established in the Wickham Masterplan 2021 | 19/3/2024 |